So I think I should have done a little more research when I posted the first Where In The World Is Giovanni post. Apparently, Mars' Cheese Castle is some sort of landmark tourist site on the highway between Chicago and Milwaukee. I just thought it was a tacky roadside stand that sold cheese. I had no idea it was famous.
Michelle wins the prize and if you email me with your snail mail address, I'll send it out shortly.
As for the other pictures, one was the Chicago skyline and the other was the war memorial in Milwaukee. Why, you may ask, dear and gentle readers, were we in Milwaukee? Well, I hear it's lovely this time of year.
Giovanni is intriguing as he is not quite Italian. I want more tales. The Italian trolls are pucci's.
Neverthelest, moi wants more!
Posted by: moi | January 11, 2008 at 08:59 PM