It is not quite nine a.m. on a Saturday morning and I am up. You will note that I said "up" rather than the more popular, less accurate, "awake".
The last time I looked at the clock before falling asleep was sometime between three and four a.m. I had already watched two movies, Rush (very good) and Great Balls Of Fire (eh) on On Demand and read for a bit. I just couldn't turn my brain off and sleep.
I got up this early on a week-end morning because I live with Cindy Brady. My daughter is an incredible tattletale. Since she doesn't have siblings around she can tell on regularly, she is reduced to telling on the dogs. This morning, she dutifully reported that Boomer had pulled a bag of potatoes off the counter. I had forgotten to put them away after grocery shopping yesterday. What he was planning on doing with the potatoes, I have no idea. Whipping up a batch of twice baked? Hash browns? The classic mashed version? It was an eight pound bag. Why couldn't it have fallen on his head?
She also informed me that something was moving in the microwave. Although when we first moved into this home, there was some slight evidence of mice, they have long been gone, and that was my first thought. That and, "How the hell did a mouse get the microwave door open?" When I very cautiously opened the microwave door, nothing was inside it but what was left of the cherry cobbler I made for dessert yesterday and it looked fairly inanimate. Benign, even. I do admit that I seem to have an extraordinary amount of spiders turn up in my kitchen but like the mice, I don't see how they would get the microwave door open.
Mia is also quick to tell me, "Boomer is trying to get upstairs." This would not be a big deal except that Boomer enjoys sorting the laundry in the hampers for us. Since he is color blind (he is a dog, after all), this consists of pulling out all of the underwear and socks and chewing them to shreds rather than sorting the lights from darks and the delicates. Boomer can easily jump the baby gate we tried to block the stairs with, so Martin used one of the sides of Mia's crib to make a door of sorts. It's a marvel of engineering, it is, secured to the banister with a bright red dog leash. This, I might add, was my idea. I was putting something in Mia's closet and noticed her crib, dismantled and abandoned since she got her big girl bed and thought the side would make a wonderful dog blocker. It really adds a certain something to the decor, as well.
It's too early on a week-end morning for all this. I need tea.
I can picture Martin's dog gate. Ah, it brings back memories of countless spur of the moment inventions created out of existing materials. Most of the re-engineered items were to contain pets. If nothing else, think of it as a stunning conversation piece that is uniquely yours.
Posted by: Nadine | January 16, 2008 at 02:50 AM
Nope, sure can't get one of THOSE at Ikea!
Posted by: Nadine | January 16, 2008 at 02:51 AM
Maybe Mia was telling on herself. Here is what I think;If your microwave has a turntable as most do, perhaps she turned it on and was watching your cherry cobbler go round & round.
Posted by: Donna | January 18, 2008 at 09:22 AM