Last year was not a great year for us. I really try not to be a whiner but it was bad. Rather than compiling the bad of 2007, I'd rather focus of what I hope for in 2008.
~Martin is healthy and operable. His chronic severe psoriasis was at its worst last year, to the point he couldn't walk. After long stupid ordeals with our health insurance, he is finally getting the only medication that has ever improved his condition at all. There were several months that my husband could not wear shoes. If not back 100%, he is at least back 98%. That's sure something.
~I have great hope that America will stop this stupid fascist regime that Dubya has ushered in. The state of our country has frightened me and I hope and believe that will change in 2008. I used to be a mouth-frothing Republican (did I mention that before?) and I miss the days when Bill Clinton was President. What does that say? We were all working, we made good money and hey, people were trying to court me away from my dealership job. Now, I send my resume off into the atmosphere, never to be seen again.
~A few days ago, I went through all the craigslists postings all over the country of jobs Martin might be qualified for. He applied to them. This happened during this week, the week between Christmas and New Year's. They were all over the country. Of forty some jobs, he had replies, including phone calls, to seven. None were in the state of Michigan. At least three were very enthusiastic.
~I wouldn't mind moving away. I'm ready to. I have loved Michigan . Michigan doesn't love me or us.
~I am happy to have made the re acquaintance of my cousins. I hope we can forge a new connection. I have missed having family. I have harbored a lot of bad feelings, all mine. It's that Adopted Kid thing. It's a lot of my own making. I don't want to dwell on that. I want to go forward. I've missed that family thing. I want to be a part of that. I cried all the way home that night. I campaigned for the damn gnome to continue that connection. I just want to be a part of a family that I miss. I don't have much family other than that. I'm an asshat sometimes, okay? I just want them to love me.
~I've got to get with the program writing. I can do it. I'm good at it. I've VERY GOOD at it. I'm lazy. I get lazy and distracted. When I do write something that is good, I know it's good. I can string a sentence together. I need to move that forward and just do it.
~I'm going to become a better baker. I can tackle the complicated Julia Child sauce things, but I can't make a cake from scratch that comes out nice. My cookies often are hockey pucks. When Boomer doesn't eat them when they are cooling, that is. WTF?
~Keep on blogging in the free world. I thank my readers for sticking with me and wish you all the best of 2008. It's going to be better!
Love and Hugs to all.
About the baking thing - I would recommend The Cake Bible by Rose Levy Berenbaum. Some of the recipes are hella complicated, and nothing you may ever want to attempt, but she goes through the chemistry and specifics of what makes baking work and not work. Unlike cooking, baking has to be precise, recipes need to be followed without changes, at least until you have mastered it and know what makes it work and only then can you mess with it. The recipes for your wedding cake all came from that book. There is sometimes still tweaking that needs to be done - I remember the chocolate cake for your wedding cake had to be beaten at least twice as long as she said to properly build structure.
So where are these potential jobs located? Probably not around here, TH is certainly not an economic boomtown.
Posted by: Darr | January 01, 2008 at 06:06 AM
well, lovey, i am certainly glad to have "met" you on the internets. i am quitting the blogging thing. i will be at my flickr site from now on...
i hope 2008 brings you all the love and hope and happiness there have my email, keep in touch!!
Posted by: nursenicole | January 01, 2008 at 01:39 PM
Give 'em Hell!
Posted by: ronni | January 01, 2008 at 07:24 PM