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Lisa, she is so beautiful! She is very lucky that you have curls that you have had to learn to manage. If she were my child, she would probably have very very short hair, much like yours was a year and a half ago...


Lisa, you are a paragon of patience. I think I'd probably have a Martini before even starting the hair session.

shannon harding

Very beautiful hair!=)


Did I mention she's cute as a button before and after?

Much more stylish after, thanks to you, Lisa!


You'll all note the apprehensive, behind the blankey, look before the hair session and the smile after the trauma is finished!


What I noticed, besides the adorableness of her, is the Ann Rule book in the background. Heh.


Kudos to Lisa and Martin.
I have been on your end of the comb/brush Lisa. Martin it is hard on the bystanders to witness the torture. When I was about 12 or 13 years old, I cut off my baby sisters foot and a haff long ponytail braid at the elastic with a single-edged razor blade. I was very careful and she was a willing victim (5 years younger). My unwitting parents had left her in my care while they were off fishing...heh. It was a shock and awe experience when they returned and found the remnants of what was left on her head. I had carefully preserved the very thick/long braid. My nerves had simply had enough of hearing her squalk and suffer during the combing/brushing of the tangles after washing it or swimming. I had had the same braid torture and somewhere my braids still exist carefully wrapped for the next voo-doo person. Why do we save those things? The sad part of the story is that the poor sister had to have a buzz cut as the hair closest to the elastic (which was high on the back of her head) was perhaps 1/4 of an inch long and the rest kind of radiated out geometrically into a reverse mohawkish result. I had no regrets and neither did the baby sister. It was my mother who freaked. Quelle surpris! Again, Kudos to you both. I am with Ronni on the pixy-ish buzz. I went through 3 daughters getting ready for school with daily hair challenges; some imagined, some real and some self-induced experiments with sun-in hair lightener the day before the first day of school. She looked like the orange fingers of dawn.


I wondered if anyone would notice the Ann in the background. I only realized it was there after I posted the picture.

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What I'm Reading

  • Edward Ugel: Money For Nothing
    Subtitled, One Man's Journey Through The Dark Side Of Lottery Millions. (****)
  • Susan Braudy: This Crazy Thing Called Love
    The true story behind the Billy Woodward shooting, the case on which Dominick Dunne based his novel, The Two Mrs. Grenvilles. (*****)
  • Matt Birbeck: A Beautiful Child
    True story about the mysterious life and death of a young woman who's real identity still remains unclear. Excellent read. (****)
  • Richard Yates: Revolutionary Road
    A novel about the alienation arising from living in the "perfect" suburbs. Hailed as a great literary book. I thought it was okay, at best. (**)
  • Annie Proulx: Close Range, Wyoming Stories
    A collection of lyrical short stories from Annie Proulx that contains Brokeback Mountain among other gems. (****)
  • John Grisham: The Innocent Man
    I can only quote from the jacket blurb: "If you believe that in America you are innocent until proven guilty, this book will shock you. If you believe in the death penalty, this book will disturb you. If you believe the criminal justice system is fair, this book will infuriate you." A must read. (*****)
  • Nancy Caldwell Sorel: The Women Who Wrote The War
    Fascinating look at women journalists at the front during WWII. (****)
  • Jack Olsen: Charmer
    Riveting true crime by a master. (****)
  • Ann Rule: Too Late To Say Good Bye
    Excellent telling of the Bart Corbin cases. (****)
  • Michael Crichton: Airframe
    Ehhh. Better than the back of a cereal box, I guess. (**)