The Detroit Free Press has a well-written summary of the tragic Ricky Holland case. You can read it here. You will have to scroll down to Chapter One, as the series is in fourteen parts.
This case still breaks my heart. There is no hell hot enough for Tim and Lisa Holland.
I actually printed the entire 14 chapters and every little written article inbetween.
These two nonhuman whatevers should NOT be in jail being supported by my taxes. They should have been tortured like they did that little boy. Those FAT ASSES should have been starved like they did that poor angel. And they wondered WHY he acted out.
And what was with the neighbors, school officials, FIA, counsellors etc??? They should all be hung too. This is a case where I would like to see the death penalty brought back for all who did, saw, or did nothing to protect that poor little angel.
Do you think I feel strongly about this??
Posted by: Beth | December 17, 2007 at 07:29 AM
I cannot imagine what soul-less creatures these two are that could do this to a child. Reading that made me physically ill.
Posted by: CountryGal | December 17, 2007 at 11:54 AM
I saw that in the paper, and I couldn't even read it. It is so horrible and disgusting what happened to poor Ricky. The people that were supposed to take care of him (I REFUSE to call them parents!) deserve so much worse than where they are. I just hope their inmates realize who they are. Still it is not justice for Ricky, I pray now he can rest in peace. Maybe others can learn not to stand by and watch, and wonder. If you suspect something, don't hesitiate, protect the children first!
Posted by: Jen | December 17, 2007 at 01:25 PM