The Festival Of Lights parade was very nice overall. Although the temperature was in the twenty degree range, there wasn't a gale force wind, no "wintry mix" precipitation and dressed appropriately, it wasn't too uncomfortable standing outside. We Michigan people are a hearty lot.
The Budweiser Clydesdales were magnificent. The first attraction down the road, in fact, was the series of trucks obviously used to transport the horses. Very ritzy trucks, indeed.
The second picture is of the church across the street from the library, where we were stationed. Mia thought the church was a castle. Obviously, my child is lacking in religious instruction.
The plow truck entry from the Livingston County Road Commission was just bright and colorful. No Bibles were thumped for that entry, nor were any elves harmed in the stringing of the lights used.
The greatest irony prize goes to the the float that was awarded the Children's Delight honor. Why? Because that float was sponsored by Wal-Mart. Obviously, the judges had a sense of humor and were acknowledging Wal-Mart for the child labor employed in the manufacture of many of the products in third world countries.
Note: You knew I couldn't make it all the way through without a few doses of snark, didn't you?
It was quite a lovely night, all around. Very tiring and if you are in the three foot tall set.
Look at those tiny red noses! LOL
Posted by: Martin | November 24, 2007 at 07:11 PM
Clearly those two gorgeous children are the results of exceptional parenting, don't you think?
I always thought the Presbyterian Church was a castle as a young child, too. I think I told you I thought the king of Howell lived there. I still often refer to it as "the castle church." I did have lots of religious instruction as a small child. Of course it was Baptist instruction, so nobody else mattered and they were all going to hell!
Speaking of religion, there was a lot of it in that parade. L commented that he wasn't sure if the reindeer were going to be pulling Santa or the Baby Jesus.
It was great to see you, I wish we could have hung out more. It was such a stressful long weekend, hopping here and there all the time and trying to keep the 2 year old out of everything. If one is looking forward to having one's two year old grandson visit, could one not take a few minutes to put the frou-frou, knick-knacks and assorted breakables out of his freaking way so I'm not constantly chasing after him getting this out of the way or out of his hands and diverting his attention constantly?! Would that really be so tough? I promise I won't call House Beautiful and tell them that the house doesn't look like a museum for a day.
Sorry, venting. But it was great to see you! I wish the other Broads could have made it, too.
Posted by: Darr | November 26, 2007 at 11:23 AM