Meijer's has a line of products inspired by the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. They include wine, luxury beach towels, tee shirts, flip flops, wineglasses, deck chairs, framed prints of photos of the Island, salt water taffy and the obligatory fudge and ice cream. I caved in and bought two pints of the ice cream since they were on sale for a dollar each.
Heart's Desire: Cherry filled hearts with cherry chocolate fudge ribbon in brownie batter ice cream.
Grand Pecan: Chocolate covered pecans with fudge topping in butter pecan ice cream.
Oh. My. God. Wonderful.
I've had an itch to revisit Mackinac lately. Hard to believe but my in-laws have never gone. I'm trying to talk them into an overnight trip as I think they'd love it.
Mia turned four this week-end. We just had Gran and Poppa over for dinner and cake. Mia got a bike for her birthday. I think she was more excited about the ice cream cake overall, but she's warming up to the bike. Too bad it's rained like crazy since then and she hasn't gotten much of chance to ride it.
The puppy is finally learning a little self-control. It's called the Rolled Up Newspaper Threat school of discipline. I just have to raise the newspaper and he sits and gives me his "Aw shucks, aren't I cute and not looking for trouble at all?" look.
I went to a meeting of a local writing group and really enjoyed it. Very diverse writing genres and I'm looking forward to stretching myself a bit. I claimed that I want to write more true crime so I guess I should work on something crime related, eh?
Shrek The Third was not nearly as funny as the first two. No out loud belly laughs. Poor character development although the potential was there. Choppy storyline. I later found out that there were eight writers on the script which could explain it.
I did not know that Meijer had this line of products. Thanks for letting me know. I too am missing Mackinaw Island. My daughter and her husband are going there this weekend for the Lilac Festival AND they DID NOT invite me--they did however want to know if I would like to baby sit the 3 kids for a day and a night. Daughter said she'd bring me back some fudge. Baby sitting 3 kids? She better bring me fudge and a t-shirt and.............
Posted by: Judy Miller | June 06, 2007 at 08:04 PM
I have so been saying that I'm going to join a writing group at the local B&N but have yet to do so. Good for you!! Now get to work, I love reading true crime and look forward to finding your compilation of short stories at the book store!
P.S. Who wouldn't be excited about ice cream cake? Give Mia time and you won't be able to get her off the bike. I used to want to sleep with mine in my bedroom.
Posted by: Alaina | June 06, 2007 at 08:22 PM
Lisa, the ice cream sounds delectable.
Mia's love affair with her Birthday ice cream cake made me laugh. I remember a gift from my 7th birthday. I ripped the paper off and what? To my joy, it was a box of delectable chocolate covered cherries; I thought.
Well, my Mom never let me have candy, so you can imagine how excited I was. You can also imagine my disappointment when I found the box contained something else entirely. Don't you just hate when that happens?
Posted by: Nadine | June 07, 2007 at 03:06 PM
Oh, and as far as True Crime? Paris Hilton has been assigned to "house arrest" with an electronic ankle bracelet after refusing to eat jail food.
Now that's a crime.
Posted by: Nadine | June 07, 2007 at 03:09 PM
You said it, Nadine! LOL
Posted by: Michelle | June 08, 2007 at 03:03 PM