You're out of touch my baby/My poor discarded baby
So I was going to blog every day this month, wasn't I? That hasn't happened, has it?
Bad blogger, Lisa. Bad.
I am suffering from a mighty case of inertia. I have so much I need and want to accomplish lately and I just can't seem to move off the dime.
I have made the decision that I want to go back to school. I've toyed with this idea for a long time, thought about going to get an MSW (social work) and finally decided I need to do it. I don't think I could do social work, though, too empathetic. I want to become a paralegal. I like the law, although I have no desire to be a lawyer; I enjoy research and think I am good at it. There are all sorts of programs available in Michigan for people like me, who have lost their jobs because the company they worked for closed or went out of business. I figure it will take me from a year and a half to two years to get my certification and I have at least another twenty good working years, so why not take advantage of these programs and do something I think I would not only enjoy, I think I would be very good at?
I'm totally burned out on anything to do with accounting or bookkeeping and I think I've lost my edge on it. I have no interest. There are no jobs doing that, anyway. At least not any long term career type jobs that pay a decent wage with benefits.
I have a hundred ideas and projects I'd like to do in my house. If only I had the money to actually execute them. This past week-end, I mowed the lawn and planted some hostas and it was very fulfilling and it actually looks nice. I felt good about that. I had accomplished something.
Now, if I can only finish that table I've been shabby chic distressing for the past two weeks. It doesn't help that the puppy has jumped on it and left paw prints which needed to be painted over three times.
I quoted that Stones song because it describes how I am feeling: this year is slipping away from me. I need to accomplish something.
But first, I need to get off my ass and get motivated.
god, i could have written this same need to do it girl...imho, the social work thing would not be my first choice. that is basically like what i do now, and it sucks. not only does it take a lot of energy, it is a lot of emotional energy. being a paralegal would be fact, i have often pondered it, it!
i know i need to get off my ass and make some tough decisions, but it is hard...
Posted by: nursenicole | May 16, 2007 at 10:00 PM
The paralegal thing is in much more demand in our area than social workers. My cousin graduated from EMU 4 years ago as a social worker, and hasn't had much luck with a job in the field. GOOD LUCK CHIC!!
Posted by: Jen | May 17, 2007 at 09:37 AM
You can pretty much guarantee yourself a job if you choose to be a paralegal...most law firms need them and rely on them, and there are usually only 1 or 2 per firm. Pretty crucial to the firm's outgoing work too.
There is a good paralegal school at LCC---at least that's what I've heard anyway...
Good for you!
Posted by: Michelle | May 17, 2007 at 04:03 PM