With apologies to Wally Lamb. I am fairly certain that The Hair Chronicles is one of the essays in the wonderful book he edited, Couldn't Keep It To Myself. My apologies as well to the author of that essay. It was great and stuck with me, though.
Until I was about two years old, I had no hair at all. Barely even peach fuzz. I was a very bald headed baby. As a child, I had thick wavy hair. It wasn't curly but it was wavy and filled with cowlicks. I got the Dorthy Hamil in sixth grade. Had long hair again in ninth. Had punk hair the last part of my senior year of high school, had long long hair in college then short punky/new wave in a Jersey girl sort of way. Had long hair again when my son was first starting school, went short again after the last divorce.
My hair has been very short for about six years now and I've let it grow for the past three months.
Damn, I have a lot of hair. The longer it gets, the curlier it is. Curly. Not wavy like it used to be. Curly.
I have big hair.
I have big curly 80s rock and roll hair band hair.
All I need is a can of Aqua Net to make sure my bangs don't wander or droop.
I wanna see!
I wish I had big curly 80s hair. I always wanted big, curly 80s hair. Even before the 80s.
Instead, I have straight, flat wispy 70s hair.
Posted by: vero | April 25, 2007 at 11:44 PM
Welcom to the big hair woild. It is a mixed blessing as each time I shampoo, I don't ever know which conditioner will keep it relatively tame. I wish there was still that old time Tame Creme Rinse. Yes, I am older than dirt and shorter and fatter, but my hair just keeps getting bigger. My teeth are getting smaller and my aspe is at it's max!
Posted by: moi | April 26, 2007 at 12:48 AM
I'm a huge fan of big hair. Mine needs a little prompting with volumizing shampoo and mousse, but hey.
I've always preferred it long. Bring on the AquaNet!
Posted by: Nadine | April 26, 2007 at 05:32 PM
well, at your birthday party i was letting my hair grow out... and you've seen the stages.('cept you were never exposed to the perm stage 7 years!) what was it? collar length when we met? went to waist length, donated 24 inches to locks of love... went to a brush cut... let it grow out... what? 2 years now...and what have i done? yesterday i buzzed it again... yep, #3 blade on them clippers... but you know what? its so easy and summer is on the way... (while discussing the situation - i was called and picked for jury duty this wednesday) i decided that day that I was gonna cut my hair, even told the members of the jury that i would "look different" the next day ... co-workers are saying i should be charged with some sort of "bait and switch" in case i was picked because i looked like this soft, girly girl...and now i just may be back to my dyke stage ya know? but... i am wearing all my makeup and my frilly blouses and such...and there is just no way to disguise these protuberances on my chest... they are just tooo obvious... and Lisa... I was bald til i was 3 ... mom taped ribbons in my hair because everyone said what a cute boy i was... ? now i have all these hair gels/mousses/sprays clamps, barretts, elastics, headbands...all implements to grow out hair.. that will be stashed until such time i want to make another attempt.. and i just last summer bought these really cool swirly things to put in my LONG hair... and they never made it... o well.. i'm back down to only using one towel again.. and my hair dries before i take one step to the sink from the shower.. now.. i must make sure not to burn the top of my ears this summer!
Posted by: sandi | April 27, 2007 at 08:40 AM
Posted by: ANTONIO | May 06, 2007 at 10:42 PM