The Queen
Excellent movie. I have no idea if the storyline has any basis whatsoever in fact, but it's compelling and topical and Helen Mirren, oh, she is wonderful as Queen Elizabeth II, so cold, so detached, yet oddly endearing. Her husband comes off as the ass I imagine he really is. The dude who played Tony Blair was incredible as well. I later found out that it was co-written by the same guy who co-wrote:
The Last King Of Scotland
Forrest Whittaker is so deft and graceful in this difficult role of portraying an insane mass murdering despot, you almost forget that Idi Amin was a very very bad dude. Sort of a manifestation of Satan on earth. There are a few scenes that are terribly graphic that made me go to the kitchen and get a snack so I didn't have to watch them but nothing compared to the brutality this man visited upon his country in reality. I've loved Mr. Whittaker since I saw The Crying Game. Trivia: One of his first roles was in one of my favorite 420 movies: Dazed & Confused.
This controversial movie is based on the real life story of Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardno, the Canadian Ken and Barbie serial killers. I was really interested in seeing how this would be portrayed since this is one of my pet cases that I've followed from the beginning. (Note: I've written about The Karly Kurls Of Love several times, check the crime links on the side.)
The movie? I fell asleep halfway through. Laura Prepon, the chick Donna from That 70s Show, is awful. Abysmal. Stiff. It is somewhat objective about the case. That's the most complimentary thing I can say.
Glad to hear it was crap,sorry for you though.
I hope she wasn't portrayed as some kind of victim,from what I could get here in Canada,as we had limited access to the info, that certainly wasn't the case.9 short years in jail,with a degree paid for by the taxpayers,was a joke.
Posted by: Nancy Murphy | April 29, 2007 at 07:14 PM
I second Nancy's opinion on Karla's "punishment".
Posted by: Nadine | April 30, 2007 at 05:38 PM