I haven't blogged anything in the past few days about the Tara Lynn Grant missing person case because there just hasn't been a lot of new information. The search at Stoney Creek Metro Park didn't yield any new clues. The National Center For Missing Adults has offered their help with a tip line. Other than that, there really just hasn't been anything new. Tonight, there was a sliver of new information.
Verena, the Grant's au pair, was interviewed by a local TV news station via telephone. The evening Tara was last seen, Verena had been out with friends. When she returned to the Grant's home, she noticed that Tara's truck was in the garage. When she came inside, Steve came down the stairs yelling, "What are you doing back here?" which she interpreted to mean that Stephen thought she was Tara.
He then apologized and explained that Tara had come home, unpacked, they had argued, then she repacked and he heard her telling someone that she would meet them at the end of the driveway. Stephen told Verena that Tara got into a dark sedan at the end of the drive.
When questioned, Verena said that Tara rarely used a car service or cab when she traveled, only once or twice since she had worked for the Grants. She also said Tara rarely used the land line and almost always used her cell phone. She also said that Tara would certainly have been in touch with her family.
Verena has since been sent back to Germany by the agency she worked for when they learned Tara had gone missing.
I will light a white candle in the hopes of Tara coming home.
There is more to this than meets the eye. He is certainly hiding something. But I'm not convinced that he murdered her. I think the story will turn out to be one of those "stranger than fiction" stories. I guess we'll see if I'm right.
- Martin
Posted by: Martin | February 28, 2007 at 01:56 AM
I still think that while Tara is surely missing, she will not be coming back. I heard the interview and I am glad she is not in that house anymore--she may end up leaving in a dark sedan.
I still think that bug-eyed Steve is as guilty as the day is long. I wonder if Steve is a fisherman? Why would Tara leave and not talk to her kids? I just can't buy this and I hope the police don't either. Why would a woman who was devoted to her babies leave them with the likes of this man. I do not like him. I watched an interview with him and he did not blink the whole time. It was so strange.
Posted by: Beth | February 28, 2007 at 06:45 AM
He has NEVER phoned LE to find out if they have any leads. Huh!
No more needs to be said! The man is guilty as sin.
Posted by: Mgt | February 28, 2007 at 06:49 AM
My name is Karen and I am Stephan's cousin. Stephan and I grew up in different countries, me being from Canada. Therefore not as close as some familes. But let me tell you, I know Stephen who is loving, caring, giving man, is deciated to his wife and chidren When you listen and read all the media reports you need to know that YOU ARE NOT GETTING ALL THE DETAILS! They give you just enough so you dont turn the channel. They have sensationalized everything negative for their own agendas. People should not pass judgement without all info! Stephen is in hell trying to maintain some sort of normal routine for the kids. All we all can do is pray for Tara's safe routine! So please say an extra prayer for her. Thank you
Posted by: Karen | February 28, 2007 at 07:00 PM
Karen, do you have an explanation for Stephen not handing over the home computer?
Is there any reason why Stephen hasn't been in touch with LE to see if they have any leads?
This loving, caring, giving man who should be throwing caution to the wind in his desperation to find his wife, the mother of his children....where is the man you have just described? Maybe, you are the only person who sees 'that' type of man, in Stephen?! I think so.
He saw her last. Tara getting into a dark sedan, came from him. Tara unpacking and repacking her bags came from him. Please!
So, what did Stephen give you as a reason for Tara not taking her car, as she would normally? Is he trying to insinuate that she ran off with another man?
I will pray for Tara, but my fear is there will be no safe return.
Posted by: Mgt | March 01, 2007 at 06:46 AM
Okay, I have just read that Stephen said Tara arrived home after the children were in bed.
On a Friday night? No way!
After Tara has been gone for 4 or 5 days? No way!
The excitement, alone, would have kept those children from sleeping.
The man is a lying liar who lies.
Posted by: Mgt | March 01, 2007 at 11:39 AM
Karen - If you are innocent as you say Steve is, why is he being so secretive about so many things. Why does he not share with the police his home, the computer, anything that would help. HE IS MAKING HIMSELF LOOK GUILTY WITH NO HELP FROM ANYONE
Posted by: Alice | March 02, 2007 at 07:04 PM