In case you haven't been keeping up, if you live in Michigan, it's like an unwritten law that you are a Bob Segar fan. Except of course for my husband, but he's a Brit so what can you expect? The man still has a couple Gary Glitter cassette tapes around, I'm pretty sure.
Bob Segar hasn't toured in about ten years. I know, because he did Pine Knob and The Palace and I went to both.
He recently released a new album, also the first in a long time and damn, the man still sounds great and sings the songs of my life.
He's touring, starting this winter. My husband has no desire to go to this concert, so my friend Beth and I are going. Rumor has it that he's doing 8 shows in Detroit, which would make sense since I do believe he only lives like ten minutes from there. Beth is a lot of fun and I know we are going to be dancing all night long.
As Bruce Springsteen to New Jersey, Bob Segar to Michigan.
Rock and roll never forgets, baby!
My friend Robin and I will be going too...maybe Rich too if we are really lucky! I just hope the tkts aren't too expensive.
Posted by: holly | October 26, 2006 at 10:29 PM
As Willie Nelson is to Austin?
Posted by: Vero | October 26, 2006 at 11:57 PM
Oy! You leave Gary outta this woman!
- Martin
Posted by: Martin | October 27, 2006 at 01:55 AM
They quit playing Gary Glitter at all the hockey games here when the Sharks score...
Posted by: nursenicole | October 27, 2006 at 09:21 AM
A true Seger fan should be able to spell his name, you know....
And yes, I saw him in 1986 at the Joe. Great show. I'm not a huge fan, but I am a fan, nonetheless.
"Took a bead on the northern plains and just rolled that power on."
Posted by: Tom S. | October 27, 2006 at 07:44 PM
from the dte. news today...
Bob Seger fans, at last, you can save the date: Seger will perform his first Detroit area show in a decade at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 20 at the Palace of Auburn Hills.
Tickets will go on sale at 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 4, at the Palace box office and all Ticketmaster locations. Ticket prices will be announced early next week.
There will certainly be at least one more show added as soon as the first one sells out, although nobody's confirmed yet how many Detroit-area shows Seger will do, or even where any additional shows would be.
It's still possible that Seger would play a venue in the city of Detroit as well. Stay tuned.
Posted by: holly | October 27, 2006 at 10:06 PM
Now wait a minute Martin----there is NO ONE GREATER than BOB SEGER!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sure wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers!
LMAO LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
How are "things" coming????
Posted by: Beth | October 31, 2006 at 07:30 AM