The Oakland County Child Killer entry I did back on July 20, 2005 remains a popular entry. (If you are not familiar with this case, you can find the entry in the archives.)
I don't think it remained popular because it is so light and heartwarming but because it not only remains an unsolved mystery, it created a real live bogeyman for those of us who grew up in Southeast Michigan at the time.
Recently, there has been a lot of buzz on the case and it is being revisited by the investigators in an active way. In August of 2005, four DNA samples were sent to the FBI lab in Quantico; two of deceased potential suspects and two specimens from live suspects who's identities were not being disclosed so as not to hinder the investigation.
Some viable suspects have been considered recently. Among them are a priest who eventually was sent back to Sweden. Investigators tried to link him to the killings and even requested help from Interpol, but there was no evidence he was involved in the OCCK. Since he was under suspicion and was sent back to Sweden, I have to imagine he was up to something nefarious somehow.
Richard Lawson, another potential suspect, had worked with the police back when the OCCK case was active as a sort of liaison between the sleazy pedophile world and the gay community and the police. You have to realize, back then, people were not so enlightened to understand that pedophiles weren't gay or straight; pedophiles like kids of whatever sex they happen to like. It's the kid thing, not the sexual orientation. Lawson was recently convicted for a long ago murder and was offered a plea bargain in which he would give information about the OCCK in return for the opportunity to choose where he would serve his life sentence. He declined the offer but it should be noted that I couldn't find any reference as to why he declined the offer; did he just not have any useful information or was he not willing to share that information?
Another potential suspect is a lovely guy by the name of Grant. Grant's son found a trunk of his father's that was filled with an amazing array of bizarre shit. Children's baby teeth, locks of hair, newspaper clippings of Michigan's Most Wanted, several papers referring to the son that were obviously fake, pictures with the son's name on the back that don't appear to be the son. In addition, Grant is a convicted child killer. In 1970, he was living with a girlfriend in Indiana and one of her sons died while Grant was bathing both sons. He was convicted of that charge and sentenced to an Indiana prison, which he escaped from in 1973. He was in Michigan in 1976 and 1977, when the OCCK occurred, living under an alias. He sexually and physically abused his son and indeed, was sent back to prison in Indiana after being arrested for domestic violence against one of his sons and his true identity was revealed.
The most compelling suspect, however, is James Donald Moore. I know I tend to overuse this word to describe these criminals, but Moore is a monster. Thankfully, he is safely locked away in the lovely Gus Harrison Correctional Center in Adrian, Michigan. For life.
Some of Moore's past convictions include child molestation in 1968 in Mt. Clemons, Michigan; sexual battery of a minor in 1978 in Southfield, Michigan, which was dismissed although I can't find any documentation as to the reason is was dismissed; and in 1987, child molestation in Lakewood, Ohio. Between the dismissed charges in Michigan in '78 and the charge in Ohio in '87, he moved to Cleveland and married a woman with children. She owned a blue Gremlin, long believed to be the car involved in the OCCK. He used it for frequent trips to Michigan to allegedly visit family.
At the time the OCCK were occurring, from February of 1976 until March of 1977, Moore was single. He met and married a woman from Ohio in August of 1977. This was an obvious ploy to conceal his true proclivities since he was a closeted gay who also happened to be a pedophile. He was not interested in sex with consenting adult males,although he thought he was, he was interested in sex with male children. So I guess that makes him just a pedophile, since gay males don't pursue children as sexual partners.
Other compelling facts: Moore was a neat freak. People seeing his house would have guessed he had a very thorough paid cleaning lady but he in fact cleaned himself and was obsessive about it. All of the victims of the OCCK had been well cared for and kept for a period before being found. They showed signs of bathing, nail clipping, and attention to personal cleanliness.
Moore was raised by very strict, very strange parents.
Moore was a truck driver. Itinerant lifestyle. Moore was also convicted of assaulting DJ Dempsey in Michigan. He is in prison for the particularly heinous death of Justin Bogdanik, who was found, barely alive, eyes Krazy Glued shut and horribly beaten, sexually assaulted, right here in Livingston County. Moore had lured Bogdanik by offering him money to help unload Moore's semi.
The similarities are striking. Moore preyed on victims who were vulnerable. Some were young, some were vulnerable in other ways, as in being homeless or drug addicts who were hustling for their next fix. Only the boys in the OCCK were sexually molested, the girls were not, as Amy Mihaljevic in Ohio was not sexually assaulted. All of the victims were also left near major roadways, so they were found very easily, as if the killer was giving himself a trophy for his handiwork.
According to an article in the Detroit Free Press, one of the suspects being investigated is from Cleveland. I hope it is Moore. He has left a devastating trail of victims who have a lot in common in with OCCK's victims.
According to Detective Anger, the cop who is revisiting the OCCK, Someone knows Something.
I can see you have done a lot of work on this one.
Now, go bathe.
Posted by: vero | August 23, 2006 at 11:14 PM
Great entry, Lis.
This whole case is so incredibly sad. I hope and pray they solve this case---the sooner the better, so at least the victims' families find some closure and peace.
Posted by: Michelle | August 24, 2006 at 01:10 PM
I hate child killers.
Posted by: Platy | August 24, 2006 at 03:13 PM
Erm, most people do Platy. At least that is the trend anyway. Sorry, I'm not making fun, I just have to deal with a 3 year old everyday that has an amazing grasp of the obvious. *grin*
- Martin
Posted by: Martin | August 26, 2006 at 06:18 AM
Lisa, I had to go back and read Part 1, and then come back here. You've done a lot of painstaking research and excellent writing on this case. James Donald Moore certainly seems like a good candidate.
I hope justice is finally served.
Posted by: Nadine | August 26, 2006 at 05:16 PM
Thanks for keeping updates on this important story. My oldest brother was best friends with Tim King, and I've always hoped they'd eventually find the killer.
Posted by: Dirk | September 01, 2006 at 09:11 PM
Iwas 7 in 1978 and lived in southfield. anyone know the age of the child that he molested that yr?
Posted by: mike | September 13, 2006 at 08:24 PM
if your talking about the kid that was from southfield he was 12 when he was taken
Posted by: Josh | November 03, 2006 at 01:49 PM
I find your writing on the OCCK very interesting. Especially the part about the creepy guy...JD Moore. I am originally from Western Wayne county and I was born in 72...I never really knew much about the OCCK until I moved to Berkley. Last winter I went to the Berkley PD to get printed (required for my job) but the finger print guy was out for the holiday. I was 39 weeks pregnant and prime to deliver my son anytime and my employer had a deadline for those prints. The detective at the PD, Detective Anger was kind enough to print me in the absence of his fellow officer...while completing the paper work in his office I knocked a stack of papers over (a large stack). The stack was related to the OCCK, which started a half hour conversation about the horrific crimes. He told me he was on his way to AZ to follow up on a lead that would most likely turn up zilch...but you never know.
Since my conversation with Det. Anger I have been so interested in this case. I appreciate the fact that he is working the case with such diligence after all these years..that a detective still cares about those children. I am now rambling so I apologize...but this is the best blog I have found on the subject so compliments to you!
Posted by: berkleylady | December 12, 2006 at 11:07 AM
I have found your site to be very interesting. I have to say that though this person you speak of has done some terrible crimes they do not fit the mold for the serial killer that is known as the "babysitter" You have stated that only the boys were molested, actually this was done after they were dead and it was believed that something was inserted into them. Now, the person you have talked about has been cruel in the things he has done but to me does not sound like someone who would kidnap 4 children and keep them from 4 to 19 days and then go through the trouble of cleaning them up after killing them. Reading the things you say this person has done is horrible but to make the leap to not molesting and abusing these kids just doesn't fit. Sexuals predators do not stop doing what they do. Obviously the person you talk about is really sick but why would he change his behavior for just these 4? Perverts who prey on children for the purpose of sex is not going to stop that especially if he is holding them for the length of time this person did. I was 8 years old when this happened and lived in Oakland County and would love to see these murders solved but people such as yourself always trying to link this case to a sexual predator is just wrong and in my own opinion is why it has not been solved. All serial killers have distintive m.o's and this person is a serial killer and not a sex predator. Sexual predators do not change from predator to killer and then back to predator. If that were the case, then why do people that are convicted of sexual molestation continue to molest after they have been released from prison and not graduate to killing?
Again, I am not saying that the person you talk about is not evil but I get the sense from reading your stories that you have a personal vendetta to link him to this case when there doesn't seem to be one......
Posted by: Jim | January 05, 2007 at 02:44 AM
I have been doing some reading on the recent individuals being looked at in the
Oakland County Child Killer Case. What I see is allot of hype online by a
select handfull of Jernalist saying each time this is the most promising lead,
some too young to know this molester existed at the time of the killings.
When this case was aired on Americas Most Wanted in the 80's, I recall
police thought a woman may be behind involved in the child killings. However,
I see no mention where police dropped this theory.
Is the Oakland County Child Killer case being used as a personal vendetta against
known child molesters, or is the search really focusing on finding the
I see a name Kristin E. Longly all over the internet with interest
columns on this case. How old was Kristin at the time these killings occured.
where did she grow up, and why is her interest in Child Molesters so strong. Most people
have an interest for personal reasons. I am curious what her interest is, besides the money
she is making off the case.
Posted by: Annjonomous | January 10, 2007 at 04:54 AM
I think some of us who follow this case closely do it because growing up in Oakland County in the 70s was a pretty traumatic experience. All of us were scared in those days, if we heard anything about it at all, and it was pretty hard not to. The kids were taken in different suburbs, and dropped off in others. So, most of us who were kids at this time can relate to living near one of those points. I lived two blocks from where Kristine disappeared and she went to school with my brother. Not a month goes by that I don't think of this, and wish and pray and hope for a resolution, for the sake of the poor family members and the communities who were terrorized by these crimes. They dictated where we walked, when we walked there, who are friends were, and what we were doing. So, to answer your question, this is still a hot case because it scared the crap out of a generation of kids AND their parents. That is why so many of us come back again and again and read new developments.
I also want to add how much I respect Det. Anger, and all of the other detectives and police officers who have been working on this case for 30 years. God bless them.
NJ in CO
Posted by: NJ | January 18, 2007 at 02:18 PM
Wow ! I'm glad you keep up on all this Lisa. No one else seems to be. I've heard of Bobby Moore, but not James Moore. I think I'll look him up.
Posted by: T | February 20, 2007 at 04:09 AM
Hi Lisa,
I'd just like to say I think you've done a good job with this site, all the way around. I too respect our detectives and think this is solveable.
I just have one comment on something. It bothers me the way he's refered to as " The babysitter". This person is a monster. I just never thought that name was right, even if he did feed and bathe them.
Posted by: Terri Tomajko | March 09, 2007 at 02:26 AM
Long time reader, first time poster. Your blog is excellent. Include me among the others that remember and remain frightened of the "Oakland County Child Killer". He was never the "Babysitter" to me, as a 9 year old in West Bloomfield he was the Bogeyman, the real deal. I can still remember the police sketch on the front page of the Detroit News. It still scares the sh*t out of me.
You're coverage of Paige Renkowski is also heartwarming to see. It's nice to know these tragic events are not forgotten.
Brian Sterling
Posted by: Brian | March 20, 2007 at 10:26 PM
I agree with Jim (1/5/07) that this was a serial killer and that whatever appears to be sexual assault on the 2 boys was done after the murders (also there was never any evidence of sperm on/in any of the bodies) and secondary to the criminal intention. I would not classify the killer as a pedophile. I also do not believe the killer is alive. Unfortunately, the yearning to find an answer continues to bring up new leads of people who are usually now in prison for other crimes that don't fit the profile of this killer. No one wants to admit that the killer essentially got away and that it will never be possible to prove guilt. DNA evidence was scanty - a hair or two on a body which could be anyone's. Just because someone's DNA does not match that of the hairs does not clear that person. Think JonBenet Ramsey. Some quack like John Mark Karr may come along and claim to be guilty but the evidence doesn't fit. Then you have people serving life in prison who would have nothing to lose by confessing to more crimes, especially if they've already been convicted of molesting or killing a child. No, I still think the killer is long gone and was a very self-destructive person in addition to destroying the lives of others. The self-destruction and guilt eventually caught up with him. Some things don't always appear as they really are - e.g., an "accident" is not always an accident. Some people commit suicide by making it appear there was an accident (or just don't care if they get into one). I do think the killer is a person who was investigated but unfortunately the police did not follow up as rigorously as they should have. In their defense, however, forensic technology available in the mid-1970's was not what it is today. It was difficult to coordinate the efforts of various police departments. I do wonder though why the police did not do some polygraphs of key suspects. I believe that technology was available then, although it was not admissable in court. Still, today polygraphs are an important tool to ascertain whether someone is being truthful or not. Skillful interrogation techniques also help. While I think they did the best job they could under the circumstances, I think the police were so overwhelmed that they simply missed following up on someone who was a viable suspect.
Posted by: Dave | March 24, 2007 at 12:39 AM
Maybe they dont care. maybe they should ask some victumes of the times. Have you heard of any people that have come forth as a victum. Maybe they just ignore the womon that is a adult now. I know that they ignore me. I figure the only reason I am alive is because of Jesus Christ. I do not know if it was the occk, but I do know this was a really sick individual that was trying to kill me.
I also know that when I emailed police they never got back with me.
Posted by: victume | March 29, 2007 at 01:27 PM
Read this it's good.
Posted by: CWW | May 03, 2007 at 07:30 PM
James Moore was just interrogated by Detective Anger and a Michigan State cop pertaining to the OCCK and Amy Mihaljevic from Ohio.
They say they are going back to talk to him again (may have by now).
Naturally, James denied any involvement, but also now denies killing Justin Bogdanik, a crime he already confessed to.
Posted by: Russ | May 06, 2007 at 07:20 AM
Check out WZZM Channel 13 (if you're in Grand Rapids) on Wednesday, May 9, 2007. Both evening and late news, right after "Lost".
Posted by: Russ | May 06, 2007 at 07:28 AM
I was almost kidnapped about the same time. The police took a statement, but i don't know how to go about getting it. I don't know if it could be the occk, I was 6 and lived in Northville(Nine Mile Rd. I believe).
Posted by: crysta | May 17, 2007 at 04:31 PM
I can promise you that you will be hearing some news about the death of Timmy King in the comming weeks, as a break in the case has occurred.
I knew Timmy and the King family as a child, and have carried this case with me over the last thirty years. It is sometimes hard to understand how or why God's time has taken this long to solve this, but I know that a break is pending.
Best Regards,
Posted by: A Friend of Timmy | October 01, 2007 at 09:11 AM
Friend of Timmy, are you refering to the wrongful death lawsuit that was filed a couple of weeks ago against Theodore Lamboghine?
If not, would you give a hint as to the recent break in the case?
Posted by: CWW | November 06, 2007 at 05:26 PM
Hi, I'm Klaudia...and my surname is Bogdanik lol x)
Posted by: Klaudia | December 28, 2007 at 08:33 AM
Klaudia, I have read of Justin Bogdanik. James Moore was convicted of a crime against him, and James Moore has been linked in the OCCK case. Are you related to Justin?
Posted by: CWW | December 29, 2007 at 03:43 PM