Dear and gentle readers, you all know I am not one for the romantic comedies or the whole romance thing in general on screen at all. I tend to think they are goofy and a waste of my time when I could be watching the A & E Biography on Gary Gilmore. ( I have that on tape, if anyone wants to borrow it, by the way, but I do want it back.)
I do like Jodie Foster. After all, she was Clarice in Silence Of The Lambs, the good Hannibal Lecter movie. Years ago, I saw Sommersby. I know I saw it in a theater and I have no idea who I went with because I sure as hell didn't pick it. There is no way I would have voluntarily gone to see a period piece that was romantic. I'm suspecting it was my mom. She thought Richard Gere was a "fine actor and very handsome."
I always went to the movies with my mom as an adult. Every week. She almost always picked the movie and we had a bit of a ritual. Dinner before the movie, go to the movie, stop and have one drink after the movie and discuss. There was generally a lot of eye rolling and sighing on my part during the discussion. My mom was not a mushy type but she loved the whole escapism thing of seeing a movie. She picked a lot of movies I never would have had any interest in. That's why I'm pretty sure I saw Sommersby with her. I can't imagine any date I had at the time suggesting it and me agreeing. I probably would have said, "Why on earth do you want to waste good brain cells on that crap?"
NOTE: My mom was pretty flabbergasted when I told her Liberace was gay and probably so was Barry Manilow.
Somehow, Sommersby wandered onto my Netfilx list.
Martin and I watched Sommersby tonight. Mia started to watch it, but fell asleep, smart girl.
Jodie Foster is very good. Richard Gere is pretty handsome and he is a good actor, I'll give him that.
It's very Southern Post Civil-War. It's very romantic. It's very dramatic.
And I cried my eyes out.
Martin saw me sniffling and he asks, "What's up with you, Lis? Are you CRYING? At a sappy romance movie? You hate these things! They're wearing period costumes. You hate that! You haven't even fugged anyone yet. You are crying. Oh my god. You are crying, watching a romantic epic movie. You're crying."
And yes, yes I was.
It was from your mom, and that's why you were crying.
My mom used to write me the most excruciatingly boring letters. I never saved any of them.
I'd cry if I found one, stuck in an old book, or something.
Posted by: vero | August 04, 2006 at 01:14 AM
Ha! Call Guinness! I caught her with tears during a sad part of a romantic film. This is a first for me in the 6 years I've known Lisa. "Misting up" is usually my job, I'm usually the softy around here. Go figure...
- Martin
Posted by: Martin | August 04, 2006 at 05:02 AM
She's missing her mum.
Posted by: vero | August 04, 2006 at 12:44 PM
"Titanic" was one of those fistfull of Kleenex movies for me.
It was pretty embarrassing, since I usually hold it all in until I'm alone.
Posted by: Nadine | August 05, 2006 at 03:57 PM
Ditto what Vero said. Not surprising at all. I almost always tear up when I see Queen Elizabeth on TV because she looks so much like my late Grandma. It's perfectly natural that watching something you watched with your Mom would make you miss her and be emotional, especially right after your birthday.
Posted by: Darr | August 06, 2006 at 12:03 AM
Oh sure you guys! Thanks alot! I finally get to say that Lisa got emotional instead of me, simply because of a movie, and you have to ruin it by making me feel bad that I called her on it! Sure... I see how it is! You guys really do stick together don't you?
- Martin
Posted by: Martin | August 07, 2006 at 05:11 AM
Posted by: vero | August 09, 2006 at 12:12 AM