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Pensive, among other things. I did cook a rather good baked chicken, marinated in Italian dressing and breaded with seasoned crumbs and parmesan cheese.



I would love to hang with you and Martin at Steely Dan. My wife? There's no possible way I could get her to go to a concert. If John Lennon and George Harrison rose from the dead and reconciled with Paul and Ringo and kicked-off a world tour, my wife wouldn't be interested. Strange. The old adage "opposites attract" definately applies to my marriage. It's too bad--because I love Steely Dan. Probably some of the best chops in rock-n-roll. Hell, can't even call 'em rock-n-roll--they're too technically proficient for rock-n-roll. All that cocaine they did in the 70's was about as rock-n-roll as it got! The Fez, FM, Kid Charlemagne. F'ing great stuff!

Still would love to meet you sometime, though.....


By the way--the description of your pork tenderloin made my mouth water at 3 o'clock this morning as I was writing news for my morning 'cast. Love pork tenderloin. My Sunday? Very nice. Spent part of it up north at the cottage on Higgins Lake. It rained Saturday. It was still a very quiet, relaxing weekend. Mowed 5 acres of grass Sunday. Had a stiff gin-and-tonic in the evening. :)

Beth Miller

We indeed met at the Expresso Royale yesterday morning and I wanted to let you know that the two hours we sat and chatted was great. I so enjoyed the conversation and then running into each other in Meijers made that trip more enjoyable also.

BTW I did find a purse with compartments. Was $19.99 marked down to $11.24 what a bargain.

I was so taken with Mia, she has now become my adopted (so to speak) grandbaby. WHAT A PERFECT CHILD!!!!!!!! I told Cassidy all about her and she wants to play with her.

Mia was cute, sweet, adorable, the prettiest piercing eyes, a smile that would launch a ship, a personality to die for and the most loveable little girl.

She sat very quietly reading her books, just like a little lady. Then she wanted to play so we gladly moved to an area where she could play and we could watch her.

Lisa you made me feel so relaxed, like you said, I felt as though I had known you all my life. We jumped from one subject to another and hit on some very interesting subjects. I need to come prepared the next time--fully armed with facts and see if I can't find someone you know nothing about. Although I admit THAT will be hard-very hard.

We can plan another Sunday morning--that will be fun. You have to bring Mia
like I said WHAT AN ANGEL!!!



Oh come on Beth! Helen of Troy launched a thousand ships with her face! Surely my daughter rates more than just one!?!? Haha! Although with mood she's been in for the last couple of days she's been more apt to launch a thousand diamond cutters than ships with her face. She's hitting one of those "phases" now... :O

- Martin


Sorry your wife's not into the concert scene Todd. Bummer, we hope you can make it though, it will be fun to meet you. Lisa has told me a lot about you. It should be fun!

- MG

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What I'm Reading

  • Edward Ugel: Money For Nothing
    Subtitled, One Man's Journey Through The Dark Side Of Lottery Millions. (****)
  • Susan Braudy: This Crazy Thing Called Love
    The true story behind the Billy Woodward shooting, the case on which Dominick Dunne based his novel, The Two Mrs. Grenvilles. (*****)
  • Matt Birbeck: A Beautiful Child
    True story about the mysterious life and death of a young woman who's real identity still remains unclear. Excellent read. (****)
  • Richard Yates: Revolutionary Road
    A novel about the alienation arising from living in the "perfect" suburbs. Hailed as a great literary book. I thought it was okay, at best. (**)
  • Annie Proulx: Close Range, Wyoming Stories
    A collection of lyrical short stories from Annie Proulx that contains Brokeback Mountain among other gems. (****)
  • John Grisham: The Innocent Man
    I can only quote from the jacket blurb: "If you believe that in America you are innocent until proven guilty, this book will shock you. If you believe in the death penalty, this book will disturb you. If you believe the criminal justice system is fair, this book will infuriate you." A must read. (*****)
  • Nancy Caldwell Sorel: The Women Who Wrote The War
    Fascinating look at women journalists at the front during WWII. (****)
  • Jack Olsen: Charmer
    Riveting true crime by a master. (****)
  • Ann Rule: Too Late To Say Good Bye
    Excellent telling of the Bart Corbin cases. (****)
  • Michael Crichton: Airframe
    Ehhh. Better than the back of a cereal box, I guess. (**)