Cameron Brown is currently on trial in Torrance, CA, for the death of his four year old daughter, Lauren Key-Marer. Lauren died when she was was thrown off a cliff in Palos Verdes, CA. Cameron, good dad that he was, had taken her "hiking" here: Inspiration Point. Never mind that Lauren wasn't into hiking, (she was FOUR for God's sake), never mind that there was a nude beach below this area, a totally inappropriate area to take a child to. Never mind the fact that this terrible "accident" happened and OOPS, Cameron was an underemployed baggage handler who didn't want to pay child support.
Best of all, Mark Geragos is the defense attorney.
If you are interested in following this trial, which is not receiving a huge amount of media coverage, transcripts are available, but they are expensive. If you would like to go in on a group rate to purchase transcripts, my friend Loretta is taking donations through her paypal account. If you would like to donate to read the transcriptions, please email me. When I say expensive, I mean four and five hundred dollars expensive, per day. If enough donations are received they will be used to purchase more days transcripts. This isn't a for profit proposition.
I was reading about this online. The man should be tossed over the edge of a cliff---how dare he do this to his child! Leaving a four year old near a cliff without an adult. He is guilty as sin!
Posted by: Beth Miller | July 07, 2006 at 07:54 AM
I know Lauren's mother, Sarah. If only this "man" could see the anguish and sorry in Sarah's life since the death of her beloved daughter, Lauren.
This monster should never be able to see the light of day (or better yet)just throw him off the cliff and hear his screams as he falls. This man is truly cold hearted, unemotional and truly a dark entity.
And then look who he has for an attorney. Need I say more. His attorney sure didn't do much for Scott Peterson, what makes Cameron think his attorney will do better for him? Monies not very well spent!
Posted by: Charlotte Boyd, Honolulu, Hi | July 26, 2006 at 05:18 PM