I live on the eastern edge of Brighton near US 23. Where a huge ass upscale mall is being built and where a new complicated set of roundabouts are going in. All at the same time. My neighborhood is spitting distance from this. At the same time, the culverts are being replaced in my neighborhood and the streets were repaved. (Previous bitchy post about that.)
The main drag in Brighton, Grand River, is also being worked on, culvert replacement as well I think.
As a result, every damn way I want to drive is like going on a magical mystery tour. I never know what is closed or detoured or rerouted. For instance, I can not drive out of the Kroger shopping plaza, located conveniently a half mile from my house and turn right. If I do, I must either get on the expressway ("But I don't want to get on 23, I'm not going to Whitmore Lake or Ann Arbor, I want to go HOME!") and double back (seven miles) or I can take a long meandering surface street route through B freaking E.
NOTE: Is BFE just a Midwestern term?"
The best part is, everyone else is just as confused as I am and thinking, "Why the hell am I on Fieldcrest Road and where the hell am I going, anyway? Don't tell me I have to go down to Silver Lake Road. That's gotta be six or seven miles!" I can't even cut through the Kohl's parking lot because whoops the main entrance is closed off and the side entrance, the service road is closed off.
As a result, I get home in the evening and Martin asks me, "Did you get lost or something?"
I tell him, "Yes yes I did! I was on the Magical Mystery Tour on the less traveled roads of Brighton, Michigan. WHMI still plays Charlie Daniels band, too, by the way. I also heard Journey, Open Arms, and the Babys. I kinda like the Babys. Man, I've really got to pee."
I'm pretty sure BFE is universal. I hear it on TV all the time. My dad uses it, too, so it's got to be universal. Or at least country wide.
Posted by: Amy | July 21, 2006 at 08:26 AM
Girl, I am dreading going out that way. When I go to my parent's in Whitmore lake i always go the scenic route.. chilson to Winans..to wmorelake rd. I think i can avoid all that shit that way.
Glad to hear you are getting new roads. Those had to be the worst streets in the county.
Posted by: Holly | July 21, 2006 at 10:52 AM
Don't you just love it???
Who's brilliant idea was all this mess? Roundabouts in Brighton?? OMG WHY?? It has made a mess on Main and Third St. Now it's time to mess up 23 and Lee Rd.
I feel for you. I live in downtown Brighton and that is a disaster in itsself.
DRIVE CAREFULLY, LISA and oh BTW--------go potty before you head home.
Posted by: Beth Miller | July 21, 2006 at 01:42 PM