This is Benny. We weren't going to take Benny camping with us at first because he's not too happy in the car, but I made the executive decision that Benny needed a bit of a vacation as well. He did okay in the car, not great, but okay. There was much drool and lots of panting but I think it was worth it as Benny was instantly adopted by everyone there. Poor dog, he's never had so many walkies and so much petting and oh my, the pork chop scraps.
And yes, he is a really good boy and a big baby and I love him to death.
He is the cutest dog, too.
Posted by: Lisa | July 08, 2006 at 08:30 PM
Benny did very well with all the people and all the attention. He did show his true nature though when the fireworks went up. He is the "cowardly lion" when the "bangs" start. It's all my fault, I babied him far too much when he was a pup. Max I didn't baby at all and he was afraid of nothing. He could happily sleep though any fireworks display if he was tired, or sit though it if he wasn't. Who says they don't have awareness, individualism, and personality? Please...
Posted by: Martin | July 10, 2006 at 08:51 AM