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1) Who are you? annie of bananie.com notoriety

2) Are we friends? thru the miracle of cyberspace, yup

3) When and how did we meet?
when you sent me that email.
4) Did or do you have a crush on me? oh i'm sure i would, judging by your words, and fab picture.

5) Would you kiss me?
i'm a kissy kinda girl, so yep.
6) Describe me in one word.
7) What is your first impression of me? who's this lisa person emailing me out of the blue?

8) Do you still think that now? nope, i think, "oh! an email from lisa! hooray!"

9) What reminds you of me?
all things adoption and wine.
10) If you could give me anything, what would it be?
a vineyard.
11) How well do you know me?
just a teency bit.
12) When was the last time you saw me? just now, as i gazed upon your profile pic.

13) Have you ever wanted to tell me something and felt that you couldn't? no ma'am.

14) Are you going to put this on your blog or journal or in an email to see what I say? i did. you did.


1)Who am I? Veronica Prior of Round Rock TX.
2)Are we friends? Yes.
3)When and how did we meet? Misfits, when Lori Hacking was killed.
4)Do I have a crush on you? No.
5)Would I kiss you? Yes. All slobbery and everything! LOL!
6)Describe you in one word? Strong.
7)My first impression of you? Brittle.
8)Do I still think that? No.
9)What reminds me of you? Elegant shoes.
10)If I could give you anything, what would it be? Endless sunshine.
11)How well do I know you? Only a little bit.
12)When did I last see you? I have never seen you.
13)Have I ever wanted to tell you something that I couldn't? Yes, but it's because I can't talk about it at all.
14)Am I going to put this on my blog? Maybe.


1. Nicole Peattie of Campbell, CA
2. Are we friends? Sort of, blog friends.
3. When did we meet? we have not officially met in person, only in the blogosphere.
4. Do I have a crush on you? Not that I am aware of.
5. Would I kiss you? Sure, why not?
6. Describe you in one word. Hysterical
7. My first impression of you. Great writer.
8. Do I still think that? Absolutely.
9. What reminds me of you? The movie Pretty in Pink
10. If I could give you anything, what would it be? Happy days forever.
11. How well do I know? Not really well at all.
12. When did I last see you? We have never seen each other.
13. Have I ever wanted to tell you something I didn't? No.
14. Am I going to put this in my blog? Probably not, because no one would play with me!


1) Who are you? A really nice guy with a taste for the eclectic.

2) Are we friends? Not really, but I'm sure we would be if we met!

3) When and how did we meet?

4) Did or do you have a crush on me? I'd have to say I have a major crush on you. As I've said, you were that knockout senior with the cool haircut that I always wanted to ask out!

5) Would you kiss me? Absolutely. Twice!

6) Describe me in one word.

7) What is your first impression of me? A wine-drinking suburbanite with a sharp tongue and an even sharper sense of style.

8) Do you still think that now? Yes.

9) What reminds you of me? A good bottle of Shiraz, Violent Femmes, a knockout suntan.

10) If you could give me anything, what would it be? A cd containing my favorite 80's music. It would include Romoe Void, Berlin, Stranglers, Gang of Four, Aztec Camera, The Smiths and Heaven 17.

11) How well do you know me?
As well as you let me know you from posting to you blog.

12) When was the last time you saw me? I've never seen you in person. I wonder if I'd be too nervous to say "hello" if I did?!?!

13) Have you ever wanted to tell me something and felt that you couldn't? Yes.

14) Are you going to put this on your blog or journal or in an email to see what I say? I just might!

Beth Miller

1)Who are you? Beth, Brighton, MI

2) Are we friends? It sure feels like we are although we have never met.

3) When and how did we meet? On the Internet

4) Did or do you have a crush on me? LOL Sorry Lisa you are the wrong sex, so maybe Martin and definately Mia!

5) Would you kiss me? I probably would pass on that--a hug for sure.

6) Describe me in one word. AMAZING

7) What is your first impression of me? I was amazed that you formed such interesting opinions on unsolved mysteries.

8) Do you still think that now? There is much more to you than that now!

9) What reminds you of me? mysteries

10) If you could give me anything, what would it be? Pure Happiness

11) How well do you know me? Just on the Internet

12) When was the last time you saw me? Haven't

13) Have you ever wanted to tell me something and felt that you couldn't? No

14) Are you going to put this on your blog or journal or in an email to see what I say? That's an idea!


1) Who are you? Your friend Michelle, no blog here, just a lurker

2) Are we friends? But, of course!

3) When and how did we meet?
I saw an entry on your blog about Paige Renkoski, and I emailed you.

4) Did or do you have a crush on me? I think you're fabulous, but no crush here...sorry!

5) Would you kiss me?
Probably not---definitely a hug though.

6) Describe me in one word.

7) What is your first impression of me? Very fun and laid-back

8) Do you still think that now? Yes, even more so.

9) What reminds you of me?
Wine, Death Hags (ha), Adoption, Cooking, Napoleon Dynamite, sarcastic sense of humore (like me!).

10) If you could give me anything, what would it be?
A million dollars.

11) How well do you know me?
Fairly well although I'm sure there's always more to learn.

12) When was the last time you saw me? It's been a while, but hopefully we will make time to get together soon.

13) Have you ever wanted to tell me something and felt that you couldn't? Nope.

14) Are you going to put this on your blog or journal or in an email to see what I say? Just on your blog since I live vicariously through you.


1) Who are you? Some dude who blew in from the continent to see how the colonials live.

2) Are we friends? You are my best friend and my lover, who could say more?

3) When and how did we meet? Yahoo! many years ago.

4) Did or do you have a crush on me? I did, the first day we spent together I knew I had to get to know you MUCH better.

5) Would you kiss me? 27 ways from Sunday every day of the week.

6) Describe me in one word. Catty (in a good and humorous way).

7) What is your first impression of me? You had grace, poise and style.

8) Do you still think that now? Yep, but now I can add intelligence and strength to the picture.

9) What reminds you of me? Old fashioned movie stars. You know, back when they had that certain something they have lost these days. What the French call a certain "I don't know what"!

10) If you could give me anything, what would it be? An island in the caribean... as long as I could have my giant sailing ship moored to the jetty...

11) How well do you know me? I can read you inside and out like a dog eared novel. Oddly enough it turns out that you are one of those rare novels that one has read 17,000 times and still can't put down. You always discover something new with every read. Toss into that the fact that I usually know what your thinking and you ALWAYS know what I'm thinking, so much so it's kinda creepy.

12) When was the last time you saw me? When you left for work this morning with Mia in tow.

13) Have you ever wanted to tell me something and felt that you couldn't? Nope, and neither have you. That's one of the things I love about our relationship, the honesty. Here it is, whether you want to hear it or not! I love that! I love knowing exactly where I stand, how many men can say that?!?!

14) Are you going to put this on your blog or journal or in an email to see what I say? Nope... Your the vain member of the family and one princess is usually enough (and we have two)! :))



1) Who are you?
2) Are we friends?
fellow bloggers
3) When and how did we meet?
we haven't, at least not in person
4) Did or do you have a crush on me?
no, but i think you're funny
5) Would you kiss me?
i'll leave that to Martin
6) Describe me in one word.
7) What is your first impression of me?
this chick is witty
8) Do you still think that now?
9) What reminds you of me?
murder mysteries and michigan stuff
10) If you could give me anything, what would it be?
a bottle of wine
11) How well do you know me?
not very
12) When was the last time you saw me?
only see your posts on my bloglines
13) Have you ever wanted to tell me something and felt that you couldn't?
14) Are you going to put this on your blog or journal or in an email to see what I say?
on your blog, yes


1) Who are you? Pat/CountryGal

2) Are we friends? I hope so!

3) When and how did we meet? During Peterson West on Misfitting.com

4) Did or do you have a crush on me? I used to but had to get ober it.

5) Would you kiss me? Only if we were both drunk & Martin said ok. Heh.

6) Describe me in one word. Loyal

7) What is your first impression of me? Very funny and sensitive

8) Do you still think that now? Absolutely

9) What reminds you of me? Good wine

10) If you could give me anything, what would it be? You’ll have to wait and see!

11) How well do you know me? For not having met you, pretty well.

12) When was the last time you saw me? Never

13) Have you ever wanted to tell me something and felt that you couldn't? Yep.

14) Are you going to put this on your blog or journal or in an email to see what I say? Yep


1) Who are you? Darr

2) Are we friends? You betcha, Broad.

3) When and how did we meet? 10th Grade French Class, very early in the morning.

4) Did or do you have a crush on me? I girl crush on all my gals, because you are all too faboo for words!

5) Would you kiss me? Hey, you know how it is, get a few drinks in me and anything can happen.

6) Describe me in one word. Triplet!

7) What is your first impression of me? I don't actually remember, but probably something along the lines of "Cool, someone to hang with in this class of preppies and dorks."

8) Do you still think that now? You bet.

9) What reminds you of me? Parker Posey, Dazed and Confused, Pascal et Michel, punk at the pattisserie, 80's new wave and punk - but especially Devo and The Dead Kennedys, the dance the The Pogo, backwards sweaters, metallic spray painted Nikes, true crime, The Sweet Potato Queens, The Betty, class reunions, lockers, The Rade (or was it The Raid - formerly known as The Repellants), and that's just a sampling.

10) If you could give me anything, what would it be?
Security in all things.

11) How well do you know me? Well.

12) When was the last time you saw me? Saturday, at my baby boy's 1st birthday party. I can't believe we forgot to take a photo of the Triplets and Triplet Babes feet! We're such jackasses. (tm Sarah)

13) Have you ever wanted to tell me something and felt that you couldn't? Since I've known you 25 years, and part of that time as a teen girl, the answer has got to be yes.

14) Are you going to put this on your blog or journal or in an email to see what I say? Sure, someday when I actually start a blog, if I ever think of a good name for it that hasn't been taken by a dozen other people.

"Oh and by the way? Yeah it does take a lot of work to be this self-centered." Please, you ain't fooling me sistah, we come by it naturally! It's part of our everlasting charm.


1) Who are you?

Me? Occasionally, I am your inspiration.

2) Are we friends?


3) When and how did we meet?

You found my blog and the rest is history!

4) Did or do you have a crush on me?

Yeah, kind of. You're pretty cute.

5) Would you kiss me?


6) Describe me in one word.

One word? You gotta be kidding. I can only string multiple modifiers together. Cute, funny, boisterous, honest, loyal, complex...

7) What is your first impression of me?

That you were a true-crime junkie after my own heart.

8) Do you still think that now?

You are much more interesting than I imagined.

9) What reminds you of me?

Interesting murrrrrrder stories or gossip that I'd like to disucss with you. (I have a list!)

10) If you could give me anything, what would it be?

Just enough money to keep you secure, but not enough to get you into trouble.

11) How well do you know me?

Not as well as I would if we were neighbors.

12) When was the last time you saw me?

November 2004. And soon!

13) Have you ever wanted to tell me something and felt that you couldn't?

Oh, sure. But, there's only so much time in line at Wally World.

14) Are you going to put this on your blog or journal or in an email to see what I say?

Just in here.

Oh and by the way? Yeah it does take a lot of work to be this self-centered.

Yeah, I should know!


martin's responses were perfect!!! what a hunkahunkaburninlove.


Ha bananie! I kinda thought I was being a little rough. I owe Lisa the truth, but as an English Gentleman (as I was supposed to be raised) I thought I went far too far. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I hope my wife did...(grin)...

- MG

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What I'm Reading

  • Edward Ugel: Money For Nothing
    Subtitled, One Man's Journey Through The Dark Side Of Lottery Millions. (****)
  • Susan Braudy: This Crazy Thing Called Love
    The true story behind the Billy Woodward shooting, the case on which Dominick Dunne based his novel, The Two Mrs. Grenvilles. (*****)
  • Matt Birbeck: A Beautiful Child
    True story about the mysterious life and death of a young woman who's real identity still remains unclear. Excellent read. (****)
  • Richard Yates: Revolutionary Road
    A novel about the alienation arising from living in the "perfect" suburbs. Hailed as a great literary book. I thought it was okay, at best. (**)
  • Annie Proulx: Close Range, Wyoming Stories
    A collection of lyrical short stories from Annie Proulx that contains Brokeback Mountain among other gems. (****)
  • John Grisham: The Innocent Man
    I can only quote from the jacket blurb: "If you believe that in America you are innocent until proven guilty, this book will shock you. If you believe in the death penalty, this book will disturb you. If you believe the criminal justice system is fair, this book will infuriate you." A must read. (*****)
  • Nancy Caldwell Sorel: The Women Who Wrote The War
    Fascinating look at women journalists at the front during WWII. (****)
  • Jack Olsen: Charmer
    Riveting true crime by a master. (****)
  • Ann Rule: Too Late To Say Good Bye
    Excellent telling of the Bart Corbin cases. (****)
  • Michael Crichton: Airframe
    Ehhh. Better than the back of a cereal box, I guess. (**)