Our favorite soldier Sam called tonight. He generally calls every week-end, usually at ten or eleven o'clock. The phone rings then and Martin and I say to each other, "Hey, it's Sam!"
He is currently stationed in Washington State. So far, he's been led to believe he will be stationed in Korea, Japan, and Germany. Wherever he ends up, he is assured to end up In The Rear With The Gear. No indication of an Iraq invasion. Thank God. Or Allah. Or the Easter Bunny.
Latest destination is Germany. Again. In August.
He was drinking a beer (or six) and dyeing Easter Eggs while we chatted.
We love you Sam, and we miss you and I may hate this war but God Bless our troops.
Let me have another addy for Sam, Lisa, and I'll find some other little thing to send him. He sent such a cute thank you card the last time--all pink and hearts!
Posted by: vero | April 16, 2006 at 05:55 PM
LMAO Vero. That is SO Sam. He's a wonderfully big hearted person. He would never bring an affront at any time. He may also be the last "Officer and Gentleman" on the planet. I've never known a more true and honorable human being in my life. He was sitting alone yesterday, 2,000 miles from home on Easter and he sat home drank a few beers and coloured eggs, how cool is that? Yeah he's 37 LMAO. I miss Sam a lot. I really do, not enough to run out and buy the crappy beer he always brings over mind you. But I miss his company and I hope he will always be safe. He's one of those people that are a dying breed in this world and it will be a lesser world without them.
- M
Posted by: Martin | April 17, 2006 at 01:40 AM
Please tell Sam I said hello :)
Posted by: Michelle | April 17, 2006 at 01:49 PM
Sam is also a confirmed bachelor, any ladies out there want to change his mind? You could do FAR, FAR worse...
- M
Posted by: Martin | April 17, 2006 at 10:51 PM