What the hell, you may ask, dear and gentle readers, is THAT?
It's a wise man, of course. Duh.
A bit of a back story to this. I have a really nice regular camera that was my dad's. I used to carry it with me everywhere and take lots of pictures. Once we went digital, I got away from the Olympus and didn't use it often. I dug it out today since we were going to the zoo and the digital is on the fritz.
It had 8 pictures left on a roll of 24 and I had no idea what they were pictures of. We finished the roll and I dropped it to get developed, knowing I was going to have some surprises.
The Wise Man was one of them. One night the winter before last, (yes it has been that long since I got the film developed) Martin and I were going to his folk's house for dinner. On the way there, on a stretch of deserted country road, something on the side of the road caught my eye. It was the Wise Man pictured here, perched up in a tree. I snapped a picture.
For some reason, this just strikes me as hilarious. A Wise Man up in a tree. Obviously liberated from someones Christmas nativity display. It took some doing though, to get him up in that tree and secured like that. It should also be noted, said tree was about ten feet off the road. It's not like someone just randomly threw him out the car window.
What a cool picture, Lisa.
Posted by: Nadine | April 30, 2006 at 06:41 PM