This is a shout out to my latest reader, T from my local area.
WHMI, our local lame radio station, was one of T's jobs as news director. He also worked for WWJ, AM 950, which I admit freely, I am becoming my mother because I am addicted to all news, all the time. Roberta Jacino, one of the on-air personalities on WWJ, well, she's like an old friend. I don't know her, wouldn't know her if I passed her on the street, but she's my morning friend.
T and I not only share geography, we share the same 80s music taste. We've raised glasses in some of the same places, albeit not at the same time. A shame. We must meet with the spouses. Much fun will occur.
Just like my other friendly never commenting except in email reader B, you must come to my 40th.
Now, my next quandry is, what the hell are ya'all gonna do when I bail for somewhere else? Like maybe Boise, Idaho? Where there are jobs and cost of living is reasonable and there are mountains nearby and I can hike and oh my freaking God! I've fallen in love with Boise just over the internet and I must admit, I dated a guy from Boise and it's BEAUTIFUL. And there are JOBS. JOBS! Jobs that I won't be underemployed! JOBS! WHERE YOU CAN EARN A DECENT LIVING! JOBS THAT HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE AND 401(k) PLANS!
What the fuck, we haven't had that sort of thing in Michigan in years.
Holly cover your eyes because it's a fair bet that the Watsons will be leaving Livingston County at some point in the not too distant future.
I'll turn out the light when I leave Michigan.
That would suck for me and for the county as a whole but whatever you need honey go for it!
Posted by: holly | April 23, 2006 at 02:47 AM
WHAT! I have to read in your blog that you're thinking of leaving this fine state of ours? Hope you tell me before you leave. I'd like to come visit one more time! Love ya Lisa, Pam
Posted by: Pam | April 23, 2006 at 12:17 PM
What a royal pain in the ass Michigan has become! There is absolutely NO FUTURE in Michigan! None!
I am going to be relocating in either Berea KY or London KY. Berea happens to be the Folk Art capital of Kentucky and is just off I-75. It is 76 - 77 miles North of the Tennessee border. London is off I-75 and is 40 miles north of Tennessee. It is warm; there are mountains; fresh air; warm, friendly people; lower taxes; gorgeous housing at a fair price. What more could I ask for? Why Kentucky you might ask??? Well to begin with living in either of these towns would allow me the time factor for travel back to Michigan to see my family and friends still left here. It also allows for them to visit me.
What has been done to Michigan is a crime. Come on Jenny---do something to try and help the few people that will continue to stay here!
I hope that I am out of here LOOOOOONNNNGGGGG before it would e my turn to turn off the lights!
BTW---if you like a good Sci-Fi movie, that is geared toward children and adults who are young at heart---I HIGHLY RECOMMEND "Zathura." I am an older adult and a proud grandmother of two gorgeaous little girls. I LOVED that movie! It was fantastic!
Posted by: Beth | April 24, 2006 at 10:54 AM
Hey, Lisa! I think Boise is a GREAT idea! That's much closer to where I am. We could finally get together!
Posted by: stacey | April 25, 2006 at 11:28 PM
TN isn't so bad either, you know, but I would go more towards the western end. I could drive over to see you!
Posted by: justin | April 27, 2006 at 02:05 PM