We watched Practical Magic last night. Never mind that I think Stockard Channing is a hoot. (Loved her as Rizzo in Grease.)
It's a movie about a family of witches who are cursed in love. Cute little movie. It made me think about the metaphysical side of things.
My sister Sandi is a witch. She earned the nickname Metaphysical Sandi from me. I tend to joke about it and tease her, but there is definitely something to it.
She claims she can feel my presence before I am there, that my aura is strong enough to proceed me. We planned on going to Lillith Fair together, many moons ago. We agreed to meet at the concert. I asked where at the venue we should hook up and Sandi said, "Don't worry, I'll find you. I always know when you are around." Being the ever practical bean counter and skeptic I am, I asked what Plan B was. I got there quite early and was wandering around,looking at all the vendor wares when I was enveloped in a hug from behind while Sandi whispered, "There you are!"
Another time, we were at Mr. B's, a local restaurant/pub. We were sitting at the bar having munchies when a young man, probably 19 or 20, walked up to Sandi and said, "I had my bottom wisdom teeth out today and I'm really hurting. Will you help me? I can tell you are a healer."
We didn't know him, had never seen him before. But he picked Sandi out of the crowded area and pegged her as a healer. She did a few massage/pressure point moves on him and he was grateful and said it helped.
I just sat there like a lemming with my jaw hanging to the floor.
Sandi and her partner Janie had their commitment ceremony about six months after Martin and I got married. Sandi and I went shopping together for the occasions at David's Bridal Salon. We had a rather young salesclerk helping us. (NOTE: One of the great things about David's, they actually have salespeople who help and give you an honest opinion and aren't pushy and will even button/zip/clip you into the dress.)
Our salesperson was acting really skittish around Sandi and finally, Sandi told her, "I'm a WITCH, you know! So knock if off, I'm a good witch and I won't hurt you." The salesgirl replied, "Okay, I'm okay now. I knew there was something about you."
My husband got Sandi a bumper sticker that reads "I didn't go to church today. I was busy practicing Wicca and becoming a lesbian." Sandi cracked up when she saw it and said, "Pretty much sums up my life, doesn't it?"
I would scoff at all this if I hadn't witnessed it firsthand. I do think many people have a lot of intuition and insight. I think people just don't tap into it.
I don't know how much of this I posses but I think it's something I may explore a little further.
hey! they filmed practical magic in the teensy town i grew up in. for a few weeks we all had star sightings, and some parts of downtown we kept painted white.
Posted by: milk and cake | April 15, 2006 at 06:12 PM