I am succumbing to the trend. In the tradition of DE-LURKING THURSDAY:
Lurkers, it's time to come out of the corners and POST A DANG COMMENT!
I see your IP address. I know where you are. I just passed 75,000 hits on my blog and I'm a bit geeked about that and I would like to know who is reading.
Why so shy?
You read my blog and keep coming back, there must be a reason.
Introduce yourself.
Hey. That means YOU, Matthews, North Carolina and YOU TOO, Redford, Michigan. And everyone else who has read 45 pages of my blog but doesn't bother to even say hello. Just a simple "HI!" like we were in high school in the hall during class change and I'm the geeky punker girl and you're the football guy I have a hopeless unredeemed crush on would do. Just a simple, "HEY," while you nod indifferently and shift your backpack against your football jersey.
NOTE: Yeah yeah yeah. In a lot of ways, high school did really warp me. College sure turned me out, though.
I don't bite.
Okay, I may nip a little. It will only hurt for a second.
Alrighty then!
Hey, Lisa :o)
I always enjoy reading your entries.
Posted by: sassyfrass | March 09, 2006 at 10:56 PM
Well, you know me as a lurker sometimes commenter...I know what you mean though...who are these folks that read our blogs? Comment, people...Lisa does not bite!
Posted by: nicole | March 10, 2006 at 12:13 AM
75,000! Wow! I'm impressed!
I have an occasional visitor from Matthews, NC, as well. I wonder if it's the same person. Mine has never left a comment, either.
Posted by: vero | March 10, 2006 at 06:37 AM
Hello, Lisa! I read every day - you know that I do.
I am impressed just like Vero!
Posted by: justin | March 10, 2006 at 09:08 AM
Doesn't it bug the shit out of you when so many people lurk? I've got a few that won't reveal themselves and I just wonder what brings them back.
Anyway.. you know who I am. And I know you know my IP but I thought I'd just drop another comment in case the numbers change (they sometimes do)
Happy Friday! :)
Posted by: Angela | March 10, 2006 at 09:36 AM
Hello Lisa,
I check your site everyday for a update. I did comment once, way back. I found your site through Loretta's. I think you are a talented writer and look forward to your stories.
Posted by: Meme | March 10, 2006 at 09:41 AM
Hi, Lisa! (Waving)
Posted by: Geralyn | March 11, 2006 at 09:00 AM
Well, you know I'm your pal in the land of fruits and nuts, AKA California. Contrary to popular belief, is not always sunny here.
Posted by: Nadine | March 12, 2006 at 12:35 AM
Sometimes I comment, sometimes I lurk...but I enjoy your blog either way! I'll try to be a little less of a lurker, 'kay?
Posted by: Linda | March 14, 2006 at 04:43 PM
Hi Lisa,'
I do lurk, but try to read your blog everyday and really enjoy it. Glad you found a job you like. I am just not much of a poster, just like to read and keep up on things.
Posted by: Stevie | March 17, 2006 at 04:13 AM
Congratulations on crossing 75,000 hits. Could intimidation be the reason that they do not post, but only lurk? I am glad to see that you are still maintaining your BLOG. It will give me a little taste of the states as I suffer through another tour in Italy, lol. A piu tardi bella!
Posted by: Bill | March 19, 2006 at 04:14 PM