My former fiancee ex-boyfriend Dan Dan The Dancing G Man turned me onto John Hiatt.
Dan Dan The Dancing G Man is dead but I still love John Hiatt.
(No, I didn't kill Dan Dan The Dancing G Man. It's called insane alcohol abuse.)
NOTE: How weird is it that two guys I almost married are now dead? Not to mention the surviving former spouses. Heh!
John Hiatt is another tape I wore out in the BMW's cassette player. I have his greatest hits on CD now and I play it a lot.
Reminds me of happy times. Dan Dan The Dancing G Man had three DUIs and I always drove and I remember looking at him, sitting in my passenger seat and him saying, "Hit it, girl. You can parallel park in one move and I love you for that alone."
When he lived in New Hope, PA, we used to go for lunch all time at this Cuban restaurant. He used to play footsies with me under the table. The people who worked at the restaurant found this absolutely hilarious.
Dan Dan The Dancing G Man and I were totally wrong for each other. We knew it. He was Jewish and his mother absolutely hated me just on general principals. We had a hard time letting it go. We knew our relationship was at a logical end, but just couldn't let it go. I moved back to Michigan and we had several hook ups in Cleveland and at fancy hotels near Detroit Metro Airport.
He got married to a woman named Terry. The night before, his brother had a big bad boy bachelor party for him and things were written on his ass in magic marker and Terry was understandably pissed on their wedding night. He called me during the big bachelor blow out and cried. So did I.
Terry, by the way, hated me with a white hot passion. Who could blame her?
A lost love of mine, many fond memories. He was a freaking FBI agent and I was intent on being a party girl and wasn't serious about much of anything yet we had something good going.
I'm listening to the Mighty Mighty Bosstones right now. I think Dan Dan The Dancing G Man would have liked them.
The Yardarm in southside Bethlehem, the damn dippiest dive bar ever but I loved it. We drank 90 cent beers and dollar shots of tequila. The Yardarm had fishing nets on the wall and a cigarette machine and pinball machines.
Good Times?
edited on 3/30/06. I made references to the fact that I actually had sex in this post?!? See what happens when you drink bloody marys and blog?
I can't remember how long it's been since I saw a cigarette machine. A lotta years, that's for sure.
Posted by: Nadine | March 27, 2006 at 10:55 PM
Are you talking about Havana's in New Hope? If so it’s still there and a great place to people watch sitting outside on the weekends.
I pop in and read occasionally (very enjoyable)- I found you thru Loretta's blog (where I was also a mostly lurker)
Mary H - Central NJ
Posted by: MaryH | March 28, 2006 at 11:51 AM