Ya'll thought I was dead in a ditch, didn't you?
The move is 98% complete. Moving sucks, can I just say that?
We finally have our phone and DSL up and running after lots of hoop jumping with SBC. Our phone at the old house was supposed to be turned off on Friday and connected at the new house on Monday. It was indeed turned off on Friday, but when Monday rolled around, it was not turned on at our new house. After several long calls with SBC from my in-laws, a service tech came out yesterday and determined that the wiring in the house was at fault. This house was recently remodeled and every room has a phone jack and cable hook-up. All very nice, but it was wired incorrectly.
Finally, we are back in the current century.
The Good
The new house is shaping up nicely. It's very cute. Ceramic tile in the kitchen, dining room, hall and bathroom. Since it has no basement, I have first floor laundry for the first time in my life, which is very nice. No more toting stuff upstairs and down. Our furniture fit in fairly well and since we have most of our wall decorations up, it's really starting to feel like home. We are on a double fenced lot, so Bennie is a happy little doggie. I like being so close to town in a neighborhood I can actually take walks in. I also think we have an even better DSL connection than at the old house.
The Bad
My in-laws live right around the corner. I love my in-laws but I am not enjoying this constant popping over. If I want to stay up until all hours and unpack stuff then sleep in til 10:30, I am allowed. I'm a big girl. I think we will need to have a talk about boundaries. I am hopeful that this is just because they want to see how we're getting along with settling in.
The Ugly
The outside of the house is still ugly. It's half light green aluminum siding (horizontal) and half white wood (vertical). I can deal with that, though. I also have no dishwasher. The only thing I hate more than washing dishes is mopping.
So glad to hear you survived the move. I know it was a pain. Happy to have you back!
Posted by: justin | November 10, 2005 at 04:37 PM
NO DISHWASHER???? May the force be with you....
Posted by: Michelle | November 11, 2005 at 09:00 AM
Hi Lisa! Miss you around work! Understand your leaving! though I'd drop a note to say hi and enjoy your writings! Doug
Posted by: Doug Stewart | November 14, 2005 at 09:30 PM
i've been schlepping boxes up and down stairs for three days now! today is the very last day i will be unpacking and moving in, i have decided. i might be up till three in the morning, but it will get done.
at least i only had one room, you've got a whole house. good luck!
Posted by: receptionista | November 16, 2005 at 10:49 PM
Hi Lisa,
just a quick note that I am no longer with myers, got laid off couple of months ago and found new in Casper, Wyoming. Take Care!
Posted by: Doug Stewart | May 29, 2007 at 02:37 PM