This picture is specifically for Amanda.
It was taken the day Martin and I had our "formal" wedding, versus the wedding in front of the judge with all the jail inmates awaiting their hearings, lounging in their orange jumpsuits and handcuffs watching. Hey, they all applauded after, and what could be more appropriate for a death hag like me?
Anyway. Here is Sam in his full dress uniform with all his medals and campaign ribbons and such (which is he very modest about) and here's Martin in his tailcoat. And the ill-concealed ever present crack filled Newport.
It is likely Sam is going to be sent to Korea for his tour of duty. My relief at his not going to the Middle East, which would have been his third tour of duty there, is palatable. As is his mom's. I hate this war (have I mentioned this before?) but I love our troops.
As always, keep Sam and all of our troops in your thoughts and prayers and wish them Godspeed.
Oh, my! TWO hunks in uniform! You lucky girl.
I hate the war too.
Posted by: Nadine | November 15, 2005 at 12:29 AM
Sam served in "Gulf War 1" and in Afghanistan (as well as other tours of duty). Sam didn't "need" to join the Army as he was a child in an upper middle class family in America (with an education from a top ten college). He is a 2nd generation Polish imergent and he felt the need to serve his new country. He never did serve in a "half assed" manor. He joined up to be a paratrooper, 82nd airborne infantry. first in, last out, and if the enemy was orginized... cannon fodder... Now that is bravery. Sam is the most honorable man I have ever had the pleasure to meet and befriend. I also hate the fact that the jackass in the Whitehouse has put men and women of this caliber in harms way for no good reason, but I wish each and every one of them well and I hope that a lot of Mom's and Dad's across the world (America is not the only country involved in this war) see their children home safely.
Posted by: Martin | November 15, 2005 at 01:40 AM
Two handsome guys!
Posted by: Anne | November 15, 2005 at 06:00 PM
Ditto to Martin's comment about Sam being honorable AND the jackass in the White House comment...Amen to that!
Posted by: Michelle | November 16, 2005 at 08:34 AM
Wonderful words from Martin.
Lisa, those are really handsome guys.
I hope all is well and that dang tree stays put.
Posted by: Mgt | November 16, 2005 at 12:23 PM
ooh, he is handsome all dressed up in his uniform. it's so sad they're going to send him away! i his tour goes well and he comes home all in one piece.
Posted by: receptionista | November 16, 2005 at 10:46 PM
Your two husbands are two good looking gentlemen. :)
Posted by: dragonlady474 | November 16, 2005 at 11:42 PM