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Look on the brightside, if you live in the ugliest house on the street, you don't have a view of the ugliest house on the street!

Good luck on the interview, I hope it goes well and that the job and the people are what you are looking for. You are a job-hunting, job-landing dynamo!


So you buy an abundance of a fantastic color of paint, and you beautify the outside of that house! It'll make it more 'you,' right? :)

I'm sorry the neighborhood isn't what you desired. Please just look to the good things. You'll have a place.You've got a dear husband to struggle through this with. Yes it'll be near the in-laws..but just draw those lines and solidify your boundaries and hopefully it'll work out for the best.

Yeah, I'm typically always optimistic. That makes some of my friends want to slap me. But it really is true what they say...
"The glass is half full,but there is a faucet nearby."

I'll check up on you again. Your blog is interesting and I thank you for checking out mine.


Lisa, I didn't think you were interested in renting. I'm sure there are homes in your price range that are available. Renting is not always a good option because you have nothing to show for it i.e. equity if you decide to move out. It's like renting a car...and in the end you have an option to buy but they don't subtract all the time you paid into it and you are still left with a used car. Also, I don't mean to be inlaw negative as I had the most wonderful mominlaw in the world. It's just hard to draw boundaries when you have been married for a while and never had boundaries before. My MIL dropped in anytime of the day or night and couldn't resist "taking care" of her "boy" even tho he had a perfectly good wife. Tread carefully in both areas sweetie.

Luv, GBoo

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What I'm Reading

  • Edward Ugel: Money For Nothing
    Subtitled, One Man's Journey Through The Dark Side Of Lottery Millions. (****)
  • Susan Braudy: This Crazy Thing Called Love
    The true story behind the Billy Woodward shooting, the case on which Dominick Dunne based his novel, The Two Mrs. Grenvilles. (*****)
  • Matt Birbeck: A Beautiful Child
    True story about the mysterious life and death of a young woman who's real identity still remains unclear. Excellent read. (****)
  • Richard Yates: Revolutionary Road
    A novel about the alienation arising from living in the "perfect" suburbs. Hailed as a great literary book. I thought it was okay, at best. (**)
  • Annie Proulx: Close Range, Wyoming Stories
    A collection of lyrical short stories from Annie Proulx that contains Brokeback Mountain among other gems. (****)
  • John Grisham: The Innocent Man
    I can only quote from the jacket blurb: "If you believe that in America you are innocent until proven guilty, this book will shock you. If you believe in the death penalty, this book will disturb you. If you believe the criminal justice system is fair, this book will infuriate you." A must read. (*****)
  • Nancy Caldwell Sorel: The Women Who Wrote The War
    Fascinating look at women journalists at the front during WWII. (****)
  • Jack Olsen: Charmer
    Riveting true crime by a master. (****)
  • Ann Rule: Too Late To Say Good Bye
    Excellent telling of the Bart Corbin cases. (****)
  • Michael Crichton: Airframe
    Ehhh. Better than the back of a cereal box, I guess. (**)