I've been really bad lately. Much upheaval around here and I'm a bit scattered, disorganized and really brokety broke broke.
I owe some snail mail to people. Yo, Loretta, ShellBabe, and Vero, I have scarves for you. They are done, they are ready to mail. It will be done hopefully before the snow flies. Not an issue for Vero, but still.
And Ang, I have a very special little box made up for you.
Give me a couple weeks when I'm back on track financially.
I'm knitting a baby blanket right now and may I just say, I love Don and Lori dearly but knitting a blanket is mind numbingly boring. I have a short attention span and I get bored very quickly. I like doing scarves because I can bang one out over the course of a week-end.
Darlin'...we need to get you sock knitting!
AND...I still have some extra needles and yarn for you. :)
Posted by: Lisa | October 22, 2005 at 03:04 PM