Since I installed a site meter, I have a much better idea of who is reading my site and where they are from.
I've had a lot of page views from Redford, Michigan, in the past couple of days. My dad worked at Detroit Diesel in Redford. Who is in Redford that is reading so much? Not that I mind, I'm just curious. Please leave a comment saying hello and who you are and how you found me or if you want to be private, shoot me an email.
I'd appreciate that.
Just found this blog thru link from misfitting. Had seen it mentioned that you had a blog, but was unaware of how to get here. How nice to see pictures of your Mia. What a sweetie! I mostly post on Websleuths (and not very much there) and a couple times on misfitting. As General McArthur said, I shall return.
Posted by: Opie | October 30, 2005 at 11:17 PM
Could be my Aunt Diane (Cherokee Rose) ..she's in redford twsp.
Posted by: Holly | October 31, 2005 at 07:25 PM
Lisa, I just watched the "MIA" movie. What a precious angel she is!
Posted by: Nadine | November 01, 2005 at 01:43 PM