Ya'all thought I was dead in a ditch, didn't you?
No, just have had a very event filled week.
Best grab a cocktail, empty the ashtray and polish it with Windex (you know how I hate a dirty ashtray) and settle back for a bit.
I quit my job on Thursday. I walked out. I had had enough. When you throw up before work every day, it's a pretty good signal that something isn't right. I had been looking for another job in a sort of half-assed way for a long time but the last straw was when an alleged file clerk was brought in and I found out she was learning how to do my job. Better than me. Just ask her.
So, here I am, no health insurance after the end of this month, unemployed.
On the other hand, I have an interview tomorrow (yeah, Saturday, I know, retail has no week-ends) and another on Tuesday. I also filled out some applications and after someone looked them over was told, "We'll call you to schedule an interview." So I'll have a job in no time and if it's a paycheck job, I'll do it until something long term comes along. I am actually kind of hoping to work in retail.
We've found a new place to live. It's a condo in Brighton, completely brand new. Nice Pergo in the dining area, ceramic in the bathroom, nice kitchen with dishwasher and built in microwave. And a gas stove. I love cooking on gas. I'm excited and happy. It's all so shiny and unlived in. And it's a lease with an option to buy, so we will come out ahead.
So that's where I've been.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled blog and the minuate of my life!