I interviewed today for a position as a New Home Model Hostess for a very fancy new sub. I really liked the lady I interviewed with and was hopeful I would get the job because I think it would be something I would really like. I would basically be showing potential home buyers through models and doing a bit of pre-qualifying.
Two hours after my interview, and after I applied at the the local pet cemetery, which really creeped me out, the model home lady called to offer me the job. I may even get a tiny bit of commission off the deal. The model home, which I looked through? Was a bit freakishly perfect. Lovely, but a bit freakish. Reminded me a bit of that movie Kalifornia and the homes in the nuclear test zone. This house really needed a family in it. It was a bit sterile. Like there were no Star magazines in a basket next to the throne nor a damp towel laying anywhere. Heh, I guess that's why it's the model home.
YAY! I now have two jobs. The model home one runs Thursday through Sunday and I'll still do a couple shifts a week at the party place because the poor guy sounded so desperate and I warned him I'd be off like the blue suede shoe if I found a full time gig.
Congratulations! I'd like that, too.
Posted by: vero | October 11, 2005 at 09:15 PM
Yay! So glad you're landing on your feet!
Posted by: Stacy | October 12, 2005 at 12:02 AM
Hi Lisa,
You are quick!
I'm so proud of you!
You might even be eligible for some kind of record for the quickest turn around.
Posted by: Lesa | October 12, 2005 at 03:17 AM
I am so glad that things are turning around for you. Keep that great sense of humor and life will be and is good!
Posted by: Stevie | October 12, 2005 at 12:40 PM
Can't you use your influence to put some magazines next to the can? Put out some of Rose's booberry muffins in the kitchen? I'm imagining a Mad TV skit, where the hostess emphasizes that "homey lived in look" by getting some rent-a-kids with jam on their faces and a big Marmaduke dog rolling on the couch.
Posted by: Nadine | October 12, 2005 at 02:29 PM
I like Nadine's idea of Rose's booberry muffins. My real estate person actually said that the smell of a roast or baking cookies really adds to the ambience. Are these houses furnished? How about some fresh-cut flowers in vases here and there. You could take them from house to house! LOL
Good luck, I knew you could do it...never thought you would over do it! Are you looking for a third job yet?
Posted by: Grandmaboo | October 13, 2005 at 08:27 AM
Good for you Lisa... What a turnaround... Do what makes you happy ... ! Ahhh the sterile CLEAN home - Something I have been working on all of this week in prep for the party...
Posted by: Lana | October 13, 2005 at 01:18 PM
Congrats! Excellent news. And I totally remember the part of Kalifornia you're talking about. Been a long time since I thought of that movie!
Posted by: Chris | October 14, 2005 at 01:13 PM
Great you got the job, but your county has the higest forcloser rate! Thanks to old Jenny on the block the whole state will go down! In detroit 44% of the homes are in forcloser as well. but congrats on the job had to vent a little.
Posted by: e | October 14, 2005 at 08:38 PM