I came across Hogs On Ice while reading blogs about the hurricanes. I have been snorting wine and Diet Coke all over my screen (although thankfully not at the same time) ever since discovering Steve's category, "Good Morning, Nigeria."
Steve, you probably wouldn't agree with my politics, but dude, you not only make your own beer, you are doing God's work.
What the hell, I'll click on it. I need a good laugh right about now.
Posted by: dragonlady474 | September 28, 2005 at 01:07 AM
How do you remain her friend?
She resents you ya know.
Look at what she's doing to herself. How can you watch that?
Or do you resent her too?
Wow, with friends like the two of you..........
Posted by: whoseyerfriend? | September 28, 2005 at 10:50 AM
good laugh Lisa - Pet peeve though, on his “guns” postings he uses the terms “clip” for “magazine” but otherwise is now on my ever expanding list of places I attempt to read
Posted by: Videodrone | September 28, 2005 at 12:22 PM
good laugh Lisa - Pet peeve though, on his “guns” postings he uses the terms “clip” for “magazine” but otherwise is now on my ever expanding list of places I attempt to read
Posted by: Videodrone | September 28, 2005 at 12:22 PM