I am allergic to insect stings, particularly bees and wasps. The older I've gotten and the more I've gotten stung, the more allergic I have become.
When I played softball regularly, this was of particular concern and I always had an up-to-date Epi-Pen close by and carried Benydryl in my bag.
I haven't played softball in quite a while and I avoid insects so it hasn't been an issue. Until lately. Since I work in BFE, the bugs abound. And we are pretty sure there is a whole colony of yellow jackets living in our circa 1987 air conditioning unit.
They turn up in the office in droves. Boss the Son is also allergic and he and I do a lot of ducking and shucking while Michelle kills the little bastards.
Today, a gloomy, cloudy cool day in beautiful Southeast Michigan, I was leaning over Boss the Father's desk going over our Nextel bill (or the monthly book of Nextel, as I refer to it) when I felt something prickly in my sandal. (There is no snow so I have on sandals much to the dismay of Boss the Father who thinks we should all wear workboots, all the time and well, NO.)
I was stung. Epi-pen in the glove box? 2003. Thankfully, Michelle had some benydryl in her purse and I gulped down the two she threw at me and put my head between my legs. I was getting the shakes and my foot was swelling up fiercely. In the meantime, Boss the Father was still on about the Book Of Nextel while I was trying not to pass out and Michelle was squeezing my hands.
The benydryl did the trick though. I was okay. Boss the Father even went to the house for ice we had requested and came back with every single ice pack he had in the freezer and some cubes in a Ziploc bag, as well. I think it scared him, seeing me dead white and shaking like that.
Of course, I walked around (limped) the rest of the day still hurting because even though the benydryl allievates the allergic reaction, the bee venom is still poison to me and makes me sick. And the benydryl makes me loopy as all hell.
Drama avoided and no shot at ER with the nasty stuff that makes me puke for three days straight.
Glad the Benadryl worked and you're doing okay. I too avoid the Bee's as often as possible and
always keep a stash of Benadryl for exact reason. Who would have thought that on a day like
today that would happen!
Posted by: Catherine | September 16, 2005 at 08:00 PM
Please, get an epi-pen prescription updated! Folks used to come in the ED half dead b/c they did not have it. One woman actually celebrated her 20 year wedding anniversary by having crab, which she is deathly allergic to, and left her epi pen on her kitchen table. She almost died...pepcid and zantac actually work as well (much slower, so always have epi and benadryl on hand). Don't ask me how the pepcid/zantac work,some agonist receptor thing I skipped reading in nursing school (Just kidding), but we used to give epi/benadryl/zantac in the ED. Of course, check with your MD to make sure that is ok. Not dispensing the old medical advice, but you may be able to find it in a medical book or online at a reputable website, like WebMD.
Posted by: nicole | September 16, 2005 at 08:31 PM
Thanks for your good wishes, Catherine and Yo Nicole. I KNOW! I am a dumb ass supreme. The last time I got stung, playing ball, I was stung on the back of my neck and almost died except for the EMS that were on the scene of the big field I played softball at. Like 8 games at once, they had an ambulance standing by. I had already hit myself with the Epi-pen but it was not right after the fact, took me a while to realize I had gotten stung and to get to it.
I will correct this.
My poor foot still hurts like a MoFo. I am going to take one more Benydryl tonight, just to be safe, since it is so poisonous to me.
Thank You God, for my pal and co-worker, Michelle.
Posted by: Lisa | September 16, 2005 at 08:41 PM
good God that would be scary. I'm glad you're okay. I think it might be time for them to bomb the trailer that your work office is in. Maybe you should also get one of those medical tags to identify what you're allergic to, just in case.
Posted by: dragonlady474 | September 17, 2005 at 12:30 PM
That's very scary Lisa. Please do get your Epi-Pen prescription asap!
Posted by: Country Girl | September 18, 2005 at 02:12 PM