What is the most common small talk, make desperate conversation, what do I say to this person boring subject on earth?
The Weather.
So, I'm going to talk about the weather.
Alhtough Michigan has it's share of inclement weather, including tornadoes, bitter cold long winters, lots and lots of snow (did I mention it snows here?) and the random wild ass thunderstorm,not to mention that we even had a tiny earthquake several years back, we don't have hurricanes, thank God and the sweet baby Jesus. In fact, about five years ago, I drove through a tornado and it was the single most scary thing I have ever felt. It didn't help that I had on my old softball cleats at the time and all I could think of was, "Okay, these are plastic cleats, right? RIGHT?"
Sometimes, though, even though Mother Nature is the Mother and a post-menopausal bitch with wicked hot flashes, wildly unpredictable mood swings and a bad temper, we have some truly knock out days.
Days that make me remember, "Hey! This is why I live here! THIS!" Today was one of those days. We had quite a thunderstorm last night but it had cleared by the time I went to bed. In the morning, there was just a touch of chill in the air, just enough to throw on a sweatshirt over my tee-shirt. By this afternoon, it was a knock-out day. Clear blue skies, that smell after a good rain, a little breeze, a moderate temperature.
It was a great day in the Motor Capital Of The World.
NOTE: How do I know it's the Motor Capital Of The World? Because my license plate says so, even though it's wrong. The Big Three factories here are closing left and right and General Motors is now considered a junk stock. GENERAL MOTORS, people! Oh wait, I should do a different post on Jenny From The Block.
I'm starting to think that Katrina and Rita are twin adolescent sisters raised by that Mother and they are going to wreak all their teen-age angst onto our fair country. I also saw something that made it look like Rita may head toward Crawford, Texas and although I feel for 99 per cent of the population of Crawford if it does hit, a part of me can't help but think karma, baby. Karma.