Margaret, my mother-in-law, informed me this afternoon when I picked up Mia, that she was fussing with her nose all afternoon and that she must have a "big one" stuck up there. So, being the ever diligent booger digging mommy I am, I had a look.
Uh, no. Mia had what appeared to be a pebble stuck up her left nostril. I tried with a Kleenex, a q-tip, tweezers, but only succeeded in pushing it farther up her nostril. Mia, of course, was sitting like an angel on her Gram's lap while I was shining a mini Mag Lite up her nose and poking around, seeing what I could find.
A trip to Urgent Care was in order. I'll spare you, dear and gentle readers, the level of hysteria produced by a two year old with something stuck up her left nostril. Let it just suffice to say, it ain't pretty and makes mommy need a martini, stat. And takes the nurse, Gram and mommy to hold her down while the doctor uses what looks like a tiny plastic crochet hook to pull it out.
This is what the kind and gentle doctor, who was so sweet and cute I wanted to put him in my pocket and take him home for a knickknack, pulled out of Mia's nose.
I think it's some sort of seed. Definitely not a pebble. Possibly a bean. Looks a lot in size and shape to a Tic Tac, but it's brown and kind of streaky.
If you correctly guess what this is and send me some sort of photographic proof, I'll send you a present.
When I was about 21/2, I stucks peas and carrots up my right nostril on know, the frozen kind, only they were cooked...which now that I am a nurse, I know that causes them to swell. My mom, who is a nurse, tried getting them out, but we had to go to the ER and get them suctioned out, which with a 2 year old, isn't easy. In the ER I work in we keep a board in a glass display case with all the things we pull out of kids ears and noses. THere is some pretty wild stuff...We should keep one for all the things we pull out of people's asses, but I will save that for another time!
Posted by: nicole | August 30, 2005 at 09:31 PM
EWWWWW! I have a cousin who did an intership or residency or something at Detroit Receiving Hospital. When we were still on speaking terms I heard more than I ever needed to know about the ass end of things.
WHY? For the love of sweet baby Jesus, WHY would stick a light bulb up your ass?
Nuff said and that was only one example.
Posted by: Lisa | August 30, 2005 at 09:37 PM
LOL... I've heard of "tool boxes" in ones ass for prison escape. But I must say Mia surprised us today... A nut up the nose is a new one :D
Posted by: Martin | August 31, 2005 at 03:36 AM
A friend of mine who was a paramedic said a man once came in with a baseball stuck up his ass. I thought it was funny because my friend said he had to call the guys wife to come get him and I was thinking, how do you explain this to your wife?? ( I slid into home!) lol
Posted by: dragonlady474 | August 31, 2005 at 08:36 AM
Is it an Advil? A piece of kibble? A dried dog turd? I do not know.
Posted by: justin | August 31, 2005 at 09:41 AM
HA! Yet another parental rite of passage!
Posted by: Stacy | August 31, 2005 at 09:44 AM
If it was a seed, why didn't you leave it up there to see if it would grow? ;)
Did Martin give away the answer? I'm dying of suspense here.
Posted by: dp | August 31, 2005 at 10:41 AM
um, having moved to tiny town michigan from chicago merely 10 months ago... my instinct 6 months ago would say seed...however living in the woods, i say it looks like a tick.
And if I am right, no pictures please. Just a gold star for getting it right.
your blog rocks and makes me giggle.
Posted by: kimberly | August 31, 2005 at 11:13 AM
You know, this is possibly the worst party game ever.
Posted by: Sain't Christopher | August 31, 2005 at 11:45 PM
I just realized these are older entries and you probably don't even see them! lol
Anyway, do you think that the object was some type of pill? There's a site that identifies pills (should you ever have a teenager with strange pills in her purse) w/pictures.
Here's the list for orange-brown capsules. It could have been streaky because of her mucous (mucus?). ANYWAY-here:
There were two that looked like it but it's hard to tell.
It probably doesn't matter now anyway, right? Glad she's o.k. :D
Posted by: Becky | October 30, 2005 at 11:40 PM