I just realized that I haven't been funny in a while. I've been all crime and missing persons and whining and whinging about my neighbors.
I think it's time for some Horrorscopes. September is just around the corner (I know, I know, where did the summer go? If you find it, let me know, okay?)
I'm always open to suggestions, dear and gentle readers, so tell me: What have I written about in the past that you find funny or humorous or at least mildly amusing?
It's all request hour at Lisa's place.
But you'll have to pour your own glass of wine, I'm a bad hostess that way. As in, there's the fridge, knock yourself out.
A Funny Aside
My mother-in-law, God love her, does our laundry. Sometimes, some of their things get mixed up with our things. Which makes for some odd happenings. My father-in-law was sporting my Ramones tee-shirt that Martin ordered for me from some place in the nether reaches of Canada. My medium tee-shirt showed up as an extra large and I could wear it as a short dress if I were taking fashion tips from Bai Ling. (See www.gofugyourself.com.) All I would need is a pair of shoes that match nothing ever created on earth and a bag that totally clashed.
I'm sure Peter has no idea who the Ramones are, he probably thought they were obscure racecar drivers who drove dirt circle track in Nebraska or something. Hey, the tee-shirt fit, he was a hip senior without even knowing it.
I currently have on a pair of gray footie type socks that say BUM EQUIPMENT. I did not purchase these. They are large on me. I would never buy grey sweatsocks in any form or length.
HEY! I'm wearing Peter's footies and he's wearing my Ramones tee-shirt! And all is right in the Watson Laundry World.
Peter in the Ramones...classic!
Posted by: Michelle | August 24, 2005 at 09:12 AM
I like it when you write funny stuff and you're really good at it. I think the funniest posts are when you write about everyday things and the observations you give.
Posted by: dragonlady474 | August 24, 2005 at 09:41 AM
Husband went to work (school) one day with a little white sock stuck to his slacks.
I put extra fabric softener in the dryer, after that.
Posted by: vero | August 24, 2005 at 11:05 AM
I think your writing style is often what makes reading your blog amusing. You clearly have a most excellent sense of humor that comes through loud and clear.
Posted by: Rob | August 26, 2005 at 01:07 PM
Vero... Get little Miss Prissy (Lisa LOL) to tell you how she went out on a date one time... It beats the sock story, trust me! :D
Posted by: Martin | August 27, 2005 at 01:20 AM