I know a lot of bloggers in the Midwest.
Recently, a convention called Blogher was held in CA for female bloggers that covered a variety of topics. A lot of it sounded far too technical for me, but a couple of the seminars sounded interesting and relevant.
It got me to thinking. How about a Midwestern Blogger Conference? Anyone interested? Any ideas?
Input and feedback is appreciated.
P.S. It's pretty funny that the spellcheck for Typepad doesn't recognize blog or blogger as a word.
I say we all just plan a weekend get away some weekend, and all plan to meet up at a hotel somewhere and bring our families and just do a little bit of socializing over a nice meal and a bunch of drinks... Just Name the place and time..
Posted by: Lana | August 08, 2005 at 03:16 PM
Count me in and I bet you can also count Amy and Stephanie too.
Posted by: Holly | August 08, 2005 at 03:48 PM
I'd totally go! We'd have to think of a catchy name, though. And have cool nametags!
Posted by: Lisa | August 09, 2005 at 08:59 PM
Nametags and seminars titled "How to make the perfect appletini" and "Dealing with your Guilt when you're blogging instead of playing with your kids". And happy hour. All the time.
Posted by: Stacy | August 09, 2005 at 09:53 PM
Can I be the moderator since I don't have a blog and live to read yours??? Oh wait, Sierra or Sandy probably already have that honor.
Posted by: Michelle | August 10, 2005 at 04:00 PM