I've mentioned one particular set of neighbors are asshats, haven't I?
Tonight reaffirmed and sealed that idea and will merit a call to my local friendly constabulary as well.
You see, I don't like being threatened.
Martin had a doctors appointment this afternoon and we arrived home together at the same time. He had Mia in his arms, I had my purse, a grocery bag, cell phone, keys, the usual work shit, in my arms. The dogs rushed out the front door and ran around in the yard. They don't get to run much since we have to keep them constantly chained or on a leash since our asshat neighbors called animal control on us.
Sorry, I was shouting and I apologize but I am still really really angry at Asshat.
Our dogs ran into his front yard. They didn't do anything, didn't take large unsightly dumps in his unmowed grass, disturb his pathetic attempt at flowers, nothing. Ran in, ran out and back to our yard.
My husband, with the toddler in his arms, was yelling for the dogs to come in, which they did. Martin also apologized and explained that the dogs ran out the door before we could get in. Asshat then proceeds to tell my husband that if the dogs come into his yard one more time, he's shooting them.
He then proceeded into his house, presumably to load and lock the weapon.
We have been super vigilant about our dogs being leashed or chained since Asshat called animal control (who I might add, were sympathetic to us and thought he was an asshat as well, as in, chuckle chuckle, "You don't move to the country and not expect pets. At least you don't have cows wandering around.")
Martin was very polite to Asshat, as he is, and was holding Mia. Our biracial adopted child. He was waiting for Asshat (who is quite the redneck to the point of having a rebel flag front license plate) to say something about Mia.
That, my dear and gentle readers, would have been ugly. I'd be scratching for bail money so Martin didn't spend the night locked up.
So, the Sheriff's department will be called. I know nothing will be done. I'm not keen on starting some neighborhood feud, but threatening to shoot a dog just because you are a dick and own a gun deserves documenting.
Makes you want to get them ball caps that say ASSHAT across the front, just so everyone will see them coming.
Posted by: vero | August 24, 2005 at 01:26 AM
PS, I'll contribute to the bail fund and/or fence fund!
Posted by: vero | August 24, 2005 at 01:27 AM
Asshat is too nice of a term for those people. I have no tolerance for threats of violence and Confederate flag sporting racists. Oh, sorry, it's about heritage, not racism. Please. And how reassuring to know that your crazy redneck neighbors have guns. That reminds me, remember that website - "My redneck neighbor?" You could start your own - "My asshat neighbors."
It was just on tonight's local news that there were a few pet dogs shot in the rinky-dink town where Mark works. Nobody knows why, or has any idea who did it. Nice. What the hell is wrong with people?
Definitely call the Sheriff's department, as you said, it's a good idea to have documentation of their craziness and threats in case they start to escalate.
Posted by: Darr | August 24, 2005 at 01:44 AM
If I were a "little" more evil than I already am... I think THEIR dog might show up dead tomorrow after this confrontation. It's 2:30 at night, it's an outside dog, who would see me slipping it a nice "loaded" steak?
The only thing that keeps me from doing it is the fact that I don't think a poor dog should pay for being owned by a small minded redneck idiot like that! This man is raising 4 children folks... That's 4 more people that are going out in the world with his metality when they are cut loose... Think about that for a second...
Yep, he was headed in the house for his gun, to shoot our dogs. I was stood there with my 2 year old daughter on my hip.
I'm ready to move back to town now... Thank you very much! The country is fine on nice quiet nights. Then you get to deal with this shit!
P.S. If one of our dogs does get shot... You know nothing about my rant from higher up in this post...
Posted by: Martin | August 24, 2005 at 02:38 AM
When I was young a belgian malinois that we had got shot. It's something I don't take lightly and if someone threatened my dog Hunter they'd better pray they have good insurance because I'd roll up my sleeves and kick the living shit out of them. I've often teased that I should get one of those signs that say "Forget the dog, beware of owner". BUT on a more peaceful note, you could always buy their dog a t-shirt that says "My Owners are asshats" lol. Put it on him while they're gone.
Posted by: dragonlady474 | August 24, 2005 at 09:32 AM
OMG! This just happened to me as well. I will be posting a huge sign on my front lawn, "PLEASE PRAY FOR MY NEIGHBOR, HE THREATENED TO KILL MY DOGS" Going up tomorrow.
Posted by: Patti Foster | April 01, 2006 at 04:40 PM