Typepad is pissing me off. My layout looks all sorts of strange. I have to log in every time I want to access my blog which is highly annoying since I always check the "remember me?" key.
Get your shit together, Typepad.
I am fighting a Troll but it seems I am winning. I have law enforcement on my side. When I start feeling physically threatened, as I do, and my Troll is local, as I know it is, I am so glad I know a few people in law enforcement since I know the distinction between Trolling and Harassment and we've crossed the line. It's not funny or cute at a certain point, it's harassment and stalking and that is against the law and the sign of a very very sick person who needs help. That person is not ME.
I have tweaked my SRO entry. I was so cross-eyed buggy with statistics and the facts when I researched the SRO, I was totally overwhelmed when I finally wrote that entry. I could easily write about 10,000 words about the whole subject, get all in depth and quoting things, but I wanted to get the point across and stress that we as citizens need to make it clear to lawmakers to do some damn thing about it because obviously what is being done now is not good enough.
On another note, I am so sorry to hear what happened in London this morning. My husband is a Brit. We have some ties there. Boss the Father's other son lives about three blocks from where it happened and heard it happen. He is thankfully safe. My heart and prayers go out to the U.K. but hey, they know how to kick butts and take names due to all the shit the IRA did back in the day. The Brits will not say, Oh, we're so sorry, let's get on with the triage.
I'm so sick of hearing about these terrorist attacks. This one was particularly close to home.
All righty then.
Lisa: Very glad to hear your in-laws are safe. Hope your DH is coping well, I know this must be very sad for him.
Posted by: justin | July 08, 2005 at 09:33 AM