I had the day from hell at work today. I had to update our version of QuickBooks from Basic 2003 to QuickBooks Pro 2005. I had the disc, a book that I promptly tossed aside, no problem, right, just an upgrade.
After trying to load it no less than six times and getting the error message POSSIBLE DATA CORRUPTION, I finally broke down and called my husband, who was a network engineer and can fix nearly everything computer related. He chucked softly and said, "Lis, hon, you have to call QuickBooks, that's a software thing."
After 4 hours on the phone with the New Delhi branch of QuickBooks (it's right around the corner from the Taj Mahal, you know), my update was up and running and the data corruption thing? That was a QuickBooks issue from their payroll service. It wasn't even me. Bastards.
My new best friend is Justin. He has worked for QuickBooks for two years and likes his job very much. He is married with two children. India is very warm right now and no, Justin doesn't have any cows wandering around in his neighborhood.
Martin always told me I could talk to a doorknob and get it's life story.
After work, Martin and I decided to go to Wal-Mart to go grocery shopping. I am not real fond of grocery shopping and I really dislike Wal-Mart but we need to eat so off we went. You know that rule, don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry? Well, my cart did not look like I was going to prepare meals for the next week, it looked like I was having a big cocktail party serving lots of really bad for you finger foods.
While at Wal-Mart, I decided to pick up a couple tee shirts since mine don't last long at work due to the dusty dirty environment. While I was wandering the ladies department, I hear, "Hey Lisa!" And it's her husband. Although I've known Holly's husband since high school and Holly and I talk on the Nextel and on our blogs and email, I've never met her in person. But I did tonight. Her husband works at that Wal-Mart( I can't tell you what he does or he might have to shoot me. Or at least bar me from that Wal-Mart) and Holly was in the store shopping with two of their three handsome young sons. Holly is very nice and has a great smile and we talked like we've always known each other and it wasn't weird at all.
After shopping, Martin and I decided to get a bite to eat. Martin asked where I wanted to go and I told him, "I don't really care as long as I can get a glass of wine and we don't have to wait forever and a day."
We went to Big Boy.
You read that right. The Big Boy in Howell serves drinks now. Is that really weird or what? Big Boy is where I went for breakfast when I was skipping first hour in high school. Big Boy is where you go at 11 on a week-end morning when you are really hungover and want to hit the breakfast bar and rid your body of toxins by eating a breakfast that is entirely fried. Cleans you right out.
It was really strange seeing Martin eating a Slim Jim and drinking a tall glass of LaBatts. It was really strange that I was eating some shrimp and pasta number (only $5.99 and it was really good) while I had a glass of wine.
In Big Boy.
And now, the universe might just explode.
Rich used to work in that store..but not any more. He's a district manager these days and his district doesn't even include our own store! We only go there to shop these days.
Posted by: Holly | July 09, 2005 at 12:37 PM
I always seem to hit walmart on "Defectives Day!" Except for meeting the Domestic Goddess, it sounds as if you did, too!
Posted by: vero | July 09, 2005 at 01:50 PM
Quickbooks, How do I loathe thee...? Let me count the ways !!!! I seriously do not like that program at all, But I have used it for so long that getting a new system would be crazy-.
So cool you had a chance to meet Holly ! Even better that you guys hit it off so well... YAY...!
Posted by: Lana | July 11, 2005 at 09:24 AM