When Martin mowed the lawn today, he ran over a nest of bunnies. Only one escaped intact (the mother bunny was nowhere to be seen). The surviving bunny was so scared and so freaked out, I just held it close to my heart and then let it snuggle near my feet, which it very much liked.
Martin is a bunny killer. Even if by accident.
We have the survivor installed in the former fish tank, filled with grass with a dish of water. Poor little creature. So scared. I was able to calm it down enough so that it wasn't trembling. It actually seems quite content now.
Yes, my husband is a heartless bunny killer.
OMG thanks Lisa! In my defence I did not see the nest of bunnies and I felt horrible after realizing what I had done! When I tracked down the one remaining bunny I brought him up to the house so Lisa and Mia could see him and pet him and then I let him go into the part of the property that I do not mow. Lo and behold 4 hours later he was back, looking for his nest. So Lisa took him (or her as the case maybe) in, and convinced me through guilt of killing his brood and big puppy dog eyes to clean out the old fish tank for him...
Posted by: Martin | June 18, 2005 at 11:06 PM
Awwww! Have you seen the mom around? I hope she didn't come back and see the massacre...I mean accident that had befallen her family. That is one cute baby though. I heard bunnies make great pets! You can een litter box train them.
Posted by: Barbara | June 19, 2005 at 02:24 PM
And a very happy f&#*ing Father's Day to that poor little bunny.... for SHAME!
Actually, I think it's skunks that can be litter trained. I house-sat for someone with a rabbit and while s/he did occasionally use the litter box, more often it left its little tiny pellets everywhere. I had to sweep the floors, like, 6 times a day.
Posted by: Stacy | June 19, 2005 at 03:42 PM
Lisa, they usually don't survive in captivity. If it does, you have a friend for life. There are websites you can visit that deal with how to feed rescued animals of all sorts. Good luck!
Posted by: vero | June 19, 2005 at 09:02 PM
Poor Martin! Poor bunnies! I know you didn't mean to mow them down....you are not a killer, Lisa is just a death hag. Ha ha. :)
Posted by: Michelle | June 20, 2005 at 01:21 PM
...and sadly we lost the last little bunny Monday afternoon. Although after reading up on the subject it does turn out that less than 10% of "rescued" bunnies that age live more than a few days. So we did our best... What else can you do?
Posted by: Martin | June 24, 2005 at 11:56 PM