Mia was absolutely thrilled about the balloons and even learned a new word: fly.
This picture is courtesy of Ann Arbor Lisa since my stupid camera decided to stop taking pictures without telling me.
Hi Lesa, I see some of my friends are posting here! As I told you in email, the balloon pics are wonderful. Just a little story. For hubby's and my 25th anniversary, I hired a balloon secretly and had son drive us to the field at 6:30 am with my hubby blindfolded. I also had a bottle of champagne. We so enjoyed it! Son picked us up by following the chase cars. It cost $250 for an hour back in 1981! I earned the money by having a garage sale. Ah Memories! I like your site and your entries. Thanks for the link.
Hi Lisa, found this site from a link you left at misfitting. I mostly lurk on loretta's site, but have posted a few times. Nice blog you have started here, I have enjoyed reading some of your writing already, keep up the good work. Laurie
Another Michigan Festival you should know about: The Deerfield Testicle Festival. Deerfield is located smack dab between Monroe and Adrian. Every year, the Saturday after St. Patrick's Day, you can get a steaming hot bowl of bull balls. Lovely, huh?
Edward Ugel: Money For Nothing Subtitled, One Man's Journey Through The Dark Side Of Lottery Millions. (****)
Susan Braudy: This Crazy Thing Called Love The true story behind the Billy Woodward shooting, the case on which Dominick Dunne based his novel, The Two Mrs. Grenvilles. (*****)
Matt Birbeck: A Beautiful Child True story about the mysterious life and death of a young woman who's real identity still remains unclear. Excellent read. (****)
Richard Yates: Revolutionary Road A novel about the alienation arising from living in the "perfect" suburbs. Hailed as a great literary book. I thought it was okay, at best. (**)
Annie Proulx: Close Range, Wyoming Stories A collection of lyrical short stories from Annie Proulx that contains Brokeback Mountain among other gems. (****)
John Grisham: The Innocent Man I can only quote from the jacket blurb: "If you believe that in America you are innocent until proven guilty, this book will shock you. If you believe in the death penalty, this book will disturb you. If you believe the criminal justice system is fair, this book will infuriate you."
A must read. (*****)
Nancy Caldwell Sorel: The Women Who Wrote The War Fascinating look at women journalists at the front during WWII. (****)
Jack Olsen: Charmer Riveting true crime by a master. (****)
Ann Rule: Too Late To Say Good Bye Excellent telling of the Bart Corbin cases. (****)
Michael Crichton: Airframe Ehhh. Better than the back of a cereal box, I guess. (**)
Hi Lesa, I see some of my friends are posting here! As I told you in email, the balloon pics are wonderful. Just a little story. For hubby's and my 25th anniversary, I hired a balloon secretly and had son drive us to the field at 6:30 am with my hubby blindfolded. I also had a bottle of champagne. We so enjoyed it! Son picked us up by following the chase cars. It cost $250 for an hour back in 1981! I earned the money by having a garage sale. Ah Memories! I like your site and your entries. Thanks for the link.
Luv, GBoo
Posted by: Grandmaboo | June 26, 2005 at 11:00 PM
Hi Lisa, found this site from a link you left at misfitting. I mostly lurk on loretta's site, but have posted a few times. Nice blog you have started here, I have enjoyed reading some of your writing already, keep up the good work. Laurie
Posted by: Laurie | June 27, 2005 at 10:47 AM
Oh c'mon isn't she cute? Daddy is not too cute in that pic, but Mia......awwww :D
Posted by: Martin | June 30, 2005 at 04:00 PM
Another Michigan Festival you should know about: The Deerfield Testicle Festival. Deerfield is located smack dab between Monroe and Adrian. Every year, the Saturday after St. Patrick's Day, you can get a steaming hot bowl of bull balls. Lovely, huh?
Posted by: Wendy | June 20, 2006 at 10:35 AM