Today is April 28. In three months from now, I will be 39 years old.
Oh. My. God.
How did I get this old?
Why do I still want to wear Paris Hilton Jeans? Although, to the relief of my family, friends and co-workers, I don't?
I am so old. I went to grad school with like, Moses. Seriously.
Lis, I hardly think 39 is old...these are supposed to be the best years of our lives, right? In any event, if you see Moses again, tell him I said hello :)
Posted by: Michelle | May 04, 2005 at 08:45 AM
Oh, Lisa! Just hush up about being 39! In 39 days, I will be 56. You are young and beautiful, so quit whingeing about getting old. Think about GrandmaBoo, who climbed her fence at 70, with a bum knee.
Thirty-nine is still wet behind the ears!
Posted by: vero | May 04, 2005 at 10:21 PM