I'm back! The DSL fairy was sort of good to me. You see, dear readers, we shouldn't even have DSL service because I live where the Blair Witch Project was filmed. The boonies, in other words. Yet our wonderful school district decided to exercise eminent domain and bought a soybean field down the road and around the corner from me to build a middle school.
We don't even have cable TV out here, it's a satellite dish or one of those 1978 antennas stuck on top of your house. (NOTE: Our rude next door neighbors have one of these and it's so tall, I am sure they are able to bring in Japan on their TV. I"m waiting for lightening to strike it.)
Since the school was built here, bonus, they had to get some technology available to support the school, hence, DSL.
But boy, does it suck when it doesn't work. I felt like I was marooned on a desert island with bad TV choices. So I read a lot. A LOT. I used to eat small paperbacks for lunch but with an almost two year old I don't gobble books the way I used to. I read Catherine Crier's book about the Scott Peterson case, which was okay. I read a novel called Middlesex, written by the same guy who wrote The Virgin Suicides. Middlesex was an excellent read since it references a lot of Detroit history. I revisited David Sedaris, Dress Your Family In Corduroy And Denim, and he still makes me laugh a lot.
I watched some movies. I watched Like Water For Chocolate. My husband is surprised I like this movie since 1) It is subtitled and 2)It's a romance and I am not the romantic type of movie girl. But I love Like Water For Chocolate and even if it is in Spanish, it's not hard to follow and it's a beautiful movie. We watched Heat. What is up with Val Kilmer's elbow in that movie, anyway?
Last night we watched Sideways, but that's a whole other post.
Anyway, dear readers, I am glad to be back among the technology world and I've missed reading your blogs as well, because I am too busy at work to do more than skim. A special hello to Holly, Stacy, Daddy Rob (I'm going to link you because you write with such compassion and take me back to my lapsed Episopalianism but I'm lazy that way) and Brian (Dude! You linked me! I'm going to update your link but hey, it's only been like 3 weeks, let me fit it into my busy schedule) and I missed Sain't Christopher's 40th birthday, oh my.
I'm so glad to be back.
I am so glad you are back! It's borrrrrrrrrrring around here without you.
Hey notice anything weird about Steve Brown's dealership these days??
Posted by: Holly Princess of All Howell | April 26, 2005 at 05:41 PM
Hey, you're back on DSL! I'm glad to hear that. No computer really changes the dynamics of family life. When it's on, one stands around hovering while the other one uses it and then we switch. When you do all your business, read the newspapers, write all your letters, etc., it puts a lot of things on hold when it's down. Glad you're up and running again. Best regards.
Posted by: Barbara V. | April 27, 2005 at 05:49 PM