We live in the country. It's cold out. We get mice from time to time.
It's not that I am scared of them. I don't think they are going to jump up and chew my little toe off and I won't be able to find it to have it reattached. I just don't like them because they always startle me.
Example: I am in the bathroom getting ready for work. I see something in the mirror out of the corner of my eye and it is far too small to be a dog. I look down just in time to see the back end of a mouse disappearing into a tiny space between the counter and the wall.
Example: I am asleep. Martin in reading in bed. He sees one dart out from inside our closet then run back into the closet. (NOTE: He doesn't investigate farther because he "doesn't want to wake me.")
Example: After dinner with friends Michelle and Sam and the in-laws, we are sitting at the dining room table and see one run under the closed bedroom door.
Hence, The Tomcat. The new 2005 humane way to catch mice. I'm not too hip on the catch and release thing. After all, what's the point of setting them free into the wilds so they can come back into the nice warm house? That's like a survival of the fittest Mouse Challenge or something. Does the Tomcat have a little tiny Microsoft Streets and Trips program installed somewhere with my house flagged? And this thing holds ten mice? TEN! If we catch ten mice, I'm moving out.
Yep. 3 hours and the new "high tech" mouse catcher had my prey in it's grasp! The kicker is that apparently it works on moles too as our unpaying lodger was indeed a mole and not a mouse at all! No wonder he was so brazen when the lights were on.
"Invent the better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door" - Unknown
Posted by: Martin | March 08, 2005 at 10:53 PM