Kudos to my friend Rose, whom I am stealing the sentence, "It's the little things," from. You rock, Rose. She has beautiful eyes, a great laugh and a killer recipe for white chicken chili.
Little Things That Make Me Happy
Fresh linens on my bed. Nothing makes me sleep better. Nothing smells better. Since my mother-in-law does our laundry, I have no idea what sort of fabric softener she uses, but damn, it sure smells good. If I had a cleaning lady or enough extra linens, I would change my bed every day.
Ground pepper on food. You can now buy peppermills at the grocery store. Nothing like freshly ground pepper on anything.
Nice nails. It's so cheap to get your nails done now. I used to spend upwards of thirty dollars at the Elizabeth Arden salon in Macy's because that was the only place you could get a French manicure. Kudos to the Vietnamese for bringing nice nails to the masses for fifteen or twenty bucks out the door.
Mimosa. I hated orange juice for several years after the birth of my son. You see, I used to drink orange juice every single morning of my life. Then, I got pregnant and orange juice made me vomit copiously every day. I didn't drink orange juice in any form (not even screwdrivers) for years. Now, I have introduced my husband to mimosas. He had never had them before. (NOTE: He obviously led a sheltered life and had never experienced "brunch" before.) Champagne and orange juice, oh my. Nectar of the Gods, I tell ya.
Jimmy Buffett. I can only tan effectively while listening to Jimmy Buffett on the Discman. It makes me tan better, I am convinced. The song I enjoy the most: Gypsies in The Palace. Jimmy Buffett is just happy feel good music. I've seen him umpteen umpt times in concert and indeed, I am determined we will see him this year at Pine Knob. And Ellen and Dan and Michelle and Sam will be with us. It will be a Parrothead Field Trip of sorts.
Hugs and Kisses From Mia and Dexter. Really, what is more gratifying than an unsolicited hug or kiss from your children? Dex is 12 and I still get hugs and can show affection in a public setting and he's not embarrassed, even though he is hitting the dreaded stage of puberty and has the faintest trace of hair on his upper lip. And Mia, well, what is cuter than an almost two year old hugging you and patting your back?
A Good Cup Of Tea. It's got to be Bigelow's Lemon Lift. With a good amount of sugar and if I'm feeling saucy, a slice of lemon. If I have a shortbread cookie to dunk, so much the better.
See? Contrary to my husband's belief, I really am not complicated at all.
Was bloghopping and came across yours. I don't care too much about my nails themselves, but manicures sure are nice.
Posted by: Rob M | March 26, 2005 at 05:44 PM
Ahh, Lisa, I'm honored! It IS the little things. Why just yesterday, Spence (going on 18) was leaving w/his 2 buddies. He hugged me & kissed me a couple times - then his buddies chimed in, "see ya, love ya, bbye" LOL! Ahhh youth. Cheers to the little things!
Posted by: Rose | March 26, 2005 at 05:45 PM
Freshly washed sheets are fantastic, especially with a threadcount over 300. And going to bed after just having taken a bath or shower, and having freshly washed sheets on the bed is bliss.
What I would give to be able to drink a Mimosa! Mark is making Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast on Easter, and I can't have a Mimosa? That is so wrong.
Posted by: Darr | March 27, 2005 at 04:02 AM