Quoted verbatim from a comment I received:
IP Address:
Name: Brandy
Email Address: [email protected]
I see your website is not visited often or either people just don't comment on some of the bullshit you are talking about. First off how are you going to say things about people and make rude comments when you are and total idiot for talking about some of the retarded things you have on this site. Victoria Gotti isn't a bitch and the only way you could truely judge her is you personally met her and I don't think you have. As for her sons, they are hot and I would marry one in a New York Minute. And what her brother Peter does is his business not yours. Your just mad because your not famous and most likely never will be. Get a LIFE and a Make-Over!!
Author's Note: This is coming from someone who's parents named her after booze.
HA! You slay me, sistah.
Posted by: Stacy | February 01, 2005 at 05:31 PM
Brandy's grammer is actually worse than yours! Take Brandy with you when you apply for the journalist position at your local newspaper. Perhaps Brandy would improve your chances of getting the job.
Posted by: Sandy | February 01, 2005 at 05:40 PM
That's great that she would marry one of those thugs in a New York minute because Brandy, she's a fine girl, what a good wife she would be. I'm sorry, I'm loopy on cold medicine and I couldn't resist. Now I'll never get that song out of my head. You know damn well the "Coot" in her email address made me giggle - maybe she knows how to get ahold of those "Cooter Festival" T-shirts.
Posted by: Darr | February 01, 2005 at 05:50 PM
Someone obviously got out of the wrong side of the bed!
Your blog is on my list of *to read* every day, you reassure me I am normal :-)
Anyway,what is up with all these people correlating the number of comments = number of people who read? Isn't that kind of thing a little high schoolish? Must be a holdover from the *I get more hits to my website than you* days. Oh, and I love the original *Get a life* remark LOL
Oh and Brandy, You should hope & pray that you look as good as Lisa.
Posted by: antikva | February 02, 2005 at 05:41 AM
Keep on blogging in the free world, indeed.
I'm amazed at the vitriolic responses people put up our blogs. Here we are letting them have a cheap voyeuristist thrill and they're complaining that we aren't dithering to their satisfaction, not to mention failing to put out tissues so they can clean themselves up.
Love that you put the e-info up. Hope it teaches her a lesson.
Posted by: Sain't Christopher | February 02, 2005 at 11:04 PM
Sheesh, someone should enlighten boorish Brandy about karma. Probably wouldn't do any good, though. My guess is she'll end up dying a lonely miserable old woman. Poor soul!
Posted by: Monica | February 03, 2005 at 03:34 PM
Talk about rude Brandy how about you getting a life. Lisa did a great job on this site and I wish I had started it myself. If Lisa wants a bitch site she can have it and I don't think she is rude to anyone she is expressing herself. Last I knew it was still a free country and we are still allowed to express ourselves. So Brandi (parents must have been alcoholics) you get the make over and if you don't like the site stay the hell away. Oh here's a question for you are you from Howell, Michigan? If not then you don't have a clue.
Posted by: Judie | February 06, 2005 at 02:56 PM