I admit, I can swear like you would not believe.
A nice well educated girl like me, I can cuss like a stevedore.
I am trying diligently to not swear so much. It's not like I don't have a good vocabulary because I do. After all, I attended AP English in high school where I learned such useful and wonderful words like:
etc, etc, the list goes on.
And thank you personally, Loretta, for inspiring me for not swearing so much.
Shit, I just fucking like to do it so damn much, though.
I'm guessing that "calculativeness" wasn't one of the words you learned in school! Or "repore," either! I like to open a dictionary at random, and see how many of the words on the page I recognize. It's a humbling experience!
Posted by: vero | January 02, 2005 at 03:23 AM
What the fuck? I think that swearing, and swearing well, it something of an art form. I started at age 4 by calling my brother a "fuckerdamn" and haven't looked back.
Swear away, mi amiga.
Posted by: Stacy | January 02, 2005 at 09:36 AM
yeah well I called a shoe salesman a prick when I was 2! In front of my mom and Grandma no less!
Posted by: holly | January 02, 2005 at 05:38 PM
Do you use that type of language in front of Mia?
Posted by: Sandy | January 03, 2005 at 06:49 PM