Note One
When your windshield wipers stop working, do not wait until the morning of a blowing snowstorm to get them fixed so that you must drive to work with them stuck in the up position, peering through the three inch square clear spot on your windshield, hoping for the best.
Note Two
Do not ever, ever EVER again get into a car with your father-in-law driving. Ever. He is a former British rally car driver from back in the day. Now that he is getting older, he has thrown all caution to the wind and driving with him is nothing short of ASS PUCKERING SCARY. He met me at the dealership and drove me back to work with only two stops (lunch and the bank) and almost killed me three times. When large beer trucks on slippery roads are turning slowing into a grocery store parking lot, it tends to be a wise decision to change lanes well in advance of one foot of the back of the beer truck. It's also nice to look at the lane you are changing into to make sure it is not already occupied. Similarly, when pulling out into traffic, do not assume that because that big SUV doesn't have it's turn signal on that it's not going to turn because it probably is.
I'm not even going to detail the ride down the dirt poorly maintained road I work on that was a sheet of ice and the wisdom of driving 50 down that road.
The man needs a Valium dispenser on the dashboard.